One of my readers recently wrote in asking for my thoughts about an article he came across. It was a Tinder case study done by a guy who set up a fake profile using pictures of a male model. He wanted to see how many matches he’d get and how sexually direct he could get [Continue Reading]
What Lesbians Know About Attracting Women That Most Men Don’t
Lesbians. Just the thought of two women together seems to make the average man more excited than a 5-year-old on Christmas eve. Yet if guys spent more time watching them in the real world, rather than just in porn clips, they might actually learn something useful. How so, you ask? Check out this video I [Continue Reading]
Where To Meet Women & Kissing Tips, Tricks and Definite Don’ts [Episode 179 Ask Women]
This weeks episode of The Ask Women Podcast is all about where to meet women and how to give a great first gift. But first… I want to apologize for last weeks show. I had a ton of people write in about it and I wanted to address it. The truth is that there really [Continue Reading]
Should You Trust Your 1st Impression When Dating
Someone just forwarded me this really interesting blind date study that evaluates whether or not we should trust our 1st impressions when it comes to dating and meeting people. That was a mouthful 😉 I want you to watch this video for 2 reasons: 1. It’s a really interesting concept that hopefully shows you that [Continue Reading]
What to do if the girl you like has a boyfriend
This is going to be a quick one because: 1. I’m about to get in my car and go on a 6 hour road trip for the holiday weekend (don’t rob my house please) 2. The response to this topic is simple and clear. Here are my thoughts on how to handle it when a [Continue Reading]
3 Steps to Approaching A Group of Girls
I was at a restaurant type of lounge last night with a few of my girlfriends having dinner… And as usual I couldn’t help but watch some of the interactions going on between the men and women. There was this one group of maybe 5 very attractive girls that every group of guys had their [Continue Reading]