Get Women To Say Yes To Just About Anything! Do you ever wonder how some guys have such an easy time getting women to do crazy things with them? Like how to have a threesome? Such as make out in a bathroom stall at a restaurant or have a threesome? Even when these women have [Continue Reading]
Men Think These 4 Things Attract Women But They Actually Don’t
Attract Women By Avoiding Focusing On These Superficial Things If you really want to attract women don’t fall for these misnomers that guys think that women want. You’ll end up going down a rabbit hole that will land you sexless and single. Let’s talk about the 4 things and what actually attracts women instead. Appearance [Continue Reading]
How To Make Her Obsessed With You | 6 Easy Tricks
How to make her obsessed with you using the little known tricks Have you ever wished you were some hotshot celebrity who has tons of girls chasing after you fighting for your attention, wanting to be with you, and even sleep with you? I mean, who doesn’t have that dream? Well, I can’t help you [Continue Reading]
Why Do Girls Like Bad Boys? 3 Mindsets That Attract Women
Mindsets That Players And Bad Boys Use To Get Girls Whether you like it or not, bad boys and players have an unfair advantage with women. But why do girls like bad boys so much? They often date and sleep with the hottest women, who other men only dream about. And the truth is, this [Continue Reading]
Why Women Lie About How They Really Feel About Guys
3 Reasons Women Lie About Their “True Feelings” For A Man Sometimes what women SAY they want and what women really want in a man doesn’t seem to line up. This article explains why women lie, THO why women aren’t lying the way you think they are. So I was having an interesting conversation with [Continue Reading]
How To Know When You’re In Love With A Girl – Spot The Signs
10 Signs You’re In Love With The Woman You’re Dating How to know when you’re in love with a girl: You’ve dated your fair share of women and have always enjoyed keeping your options open; but lately, there’s this one woman that seems a little different. You look at other women less and are choosing [Continue Reading]