Marni #1 Wing Girl and The Wing Girl Method join!! I, Marni, your Wing Girl have been asked to be one of‘s video experts on SEX!!! To be fair, “Sexpert” is not a hat I am used to wearing, but I am definitely confident and comfortable talking about sex from the female POV. [Continue Reading]
Why Do Nice Guys Finish Last?
A common question I get from men is Why Do Nice Guys Always Finish Last? The truth is that they don’t. A lot of the men I work with are awesome, wonderful, intelligent, great, NICE guys. The problem is that a lot of women do not get the chance to know this about them because [Continue Reading]
How Women Use The Shit Test
How Women Use The Shit Test BY: Orit Arfa There is no scientific definition for the “shit test,” but it is generally defined as follows: “the test a woman gives a man in the early stages of dating, usually through curious and sly questions or comments.” Here are some example and their categories (they vary [Continue Reading]
How To Tell A Woman Likes You
Learn to spot the subtle signals women give when they are interested in you.
How To Dress: A Woman’s View On Style (Peacocking)
Why style and what you wear is an important part of your dating life. Read on to find out how to dress to attract women. For those of you not familiar on what “Peacocking” is, it is the action of dressing to stand out, or to have an item of clothing or an accessory that [Continue Reading]
Maintaining Conversations With Women
Tips on how to approach women and maintain conversation.