Mock Date with
A Wing Girl
One Time Offer: Experience a 1st Date With One Of Our Girls and Discover Exactly What You Did Right and Wrong!
Discover How To Master The Art of Dating
Exclusive, One Time Offer!
Have you ever been on a 1st date and just cant figure out why you are put into the friend-zone or cant seem to land a second date?
The Mock- Date with a Wing Girl service is here to help you figure that out!!
The service allows you to "go out" for a 1st date, but instead of leaving unsure of what you are doing wrong or why it doesn't continue further, your Wing Girl will provide you with her female perspective on:
- What you are doing to lose attraction on your dates
- Mistakes you're making but aren't aware of that are totally ruining the evening
- Cues you are missing from women that signal "I want you" or "I'm interested" or "I want to go home with you". Miss these signs and her mind could instantly change to "I want to go home…. WITHOUT YOU"
- Things you may be saying that are instant mood killers
- How to connect to a woman without seeming needy
- Your date attire and location selection and how they could be what's hurting your chances
- Tiny mistakes most men make that can easily be tweaked to increase your date success by 100%
- Why she says she had a good time but won't return your texts or go on a 2nd date with you
- Why she just sees you as a friend
- How to flirt without being creepyAnd a ton more!!
How A Mock Date works
- All Mock Dates are done over Skype and are 30 minutes long. (If you would like an in person mock date please email us)
- Once you sign up you will be sent an email that will give you full instructions on how to set up your mock date
- You and your Wing Girl will pick a "location" for your mock date, prior to the call, to set the scene
- Each call is split up into 2 "dates" – You never get a 2nd chance in real life!
- Your Wing Girl will provide you with her perspective on the date; is it going well? Are you leading? Did you dress well? Are you flirting the right way? Are you connecting? Are you listening? Are you turning her off? Basically she's gonna give it to you straight and tell you exactly why you are not getting 2nd dates or creating chemistry and attraction.
- Your Wing Girl will also provide you with proven tips/techniques
- You will use the tips you just learned during the second half of the date and you will see how different the date is from the first "date". Little tweaks make all the difference!

"I had a mock date with Nicki that was extremely helpful. Nicki, you told me that I needed to flirt more to create attraction. You told me some great things I could do to flirt and Marni gave me some additional resources. Nicki, after our mock date I told you about my first date the next day with "brunch girl", her real name is Lisa. She is beautiful, smart, and tall (she's taller than me which I think is hot).
Let's just say my first and second (last night) dates with Lisa were a huge success. I made sure to flirt with her on my first date and was also direct in telling her what I was thinking. I did the same thing last night and was even more flirtatious and direct. I made her blush on both my first and second dates, that was a dating first for me. At one point last night we were getting a drink at this bar that was really busy. We were sitting next to each other talking and I looked her directly in the eyes and said "I can't wait to kiss you tonight". She pulled me into her and kissed me right then. Being direct and flirting definitely made an impact on her! We later left the bar and walked to the train. As we were walking on the sidewalk, on a busy street in Chicago, I stopped and pulled her to me and kissed her. We were making out for a long time on this busy sidewalk as people were walking by the whole time. It was awesome! You've made a huge impact on my life."

NEVER in life do you get to re-do a date, so why not sign-up and find out ahead of time what you are doing wrong and get some tips from a females perspective!!
Just click on the yellow button and after you fill out the form, you’ll be ready to set up your Mock Date with A Wing Girl
- 30 Minute Mock Date Session Over Skype
And also receive…
- A Full Report: Includes feedback, assessment, tips and techniques
Only $249.00