I was watching the new NBC show Whitney the other night, which got cancelled. And there was this great scene in it that showed an EXTREME example of a woman putting up the bitch shield and a man handling it beautifully. It's also a great example of of signs she's testing you and what to do to pass those tests so that she likes you more.
Again, it's extreme because honestly most women would not be that tough, guarded or vocal. BUT I do know that women whip out that behavior on a smaller scale and I want you to be able to handle it with confidence and charisma.
Press play to watch the video: Secret to approaching & talking to women – STAY GROUNDED…..
The main point I want you to take away from this video is that you can't and should not let a woman's words rattle you. They are just a verbal display of her own emotions. The more unaffected (not sure if I spelled that right so correct me) and grounded you are, the more she feels safe, secure and attracted to you. Masculine meet feminine.
I have an exercise for you that will help you learn to stay grounded no matter what women throw at you. It's similar to what they do in martial arts so that you can stop reacting to danger, you can calmly respond to it.
EXERCISE: The Shadow Game
Remember the shadow game that you played when you were a kid?? Where another person would say something and you would repeat whatever they said. It would be funny at first and then the other person would get so frustrated and upset because you wouldn't stop it. Ha. Ahhh childhood. Anyway. For the next week I want you to play this game with people (not women, people, everyone) you talk with for at-least 30 seconds. To the point where they kind of get annoyed but they aren't at the point where they want to punch you.
So if they say “What are you doing” you repeat back “what are you doing” with a smirk on your face.
Then they say “Seriously stop it” and you repeat back “Seriously stop it”
Got it?
NOTE: Do not do it in the whiny voice that I know I used to do it in when I was younger. This is emotional and wimpy. Copy the way the guy in the video above talks to Whitney.
What this will do for you:
– It will show you what it's like (how it feels) to be unaffected by someone else's emotions.
– If you can remain calm and not give in to them wanting you to stop, it will give you a glimpse of what being grounded feels like
– It will be hilarious!!! If you can't have fun with yourself, you can't have fun.
– It will give you an experience to draw from next time you encounter a woman who throws up her shield of protection
It's no secret that women like men with confidence. BUT the essential piece, that many people forget to tell you is that, if a man can stay grounded, he instantly becomes the sexiest man in the room!!! That's a man I want.
Discover how to stay grounded in EVERY situation with women.
There are 1000′s of little things that men don't know about women.
But I guarantee if you knew them, it would put you in the top 1% of men that have their choice of women they want.
I can tell every little thing you need to know about women. Including the things that women would never want you to know.
Check out the system 1000's of men use to make women want them. Read more….