7 Powerful Words That Will Make Her Chase YOU | How To Flip The Script on Women and Make Them Chase YOU
How do you make girls chase you? Is that even something that's possible? Well, let me tell you that it is and I've seen it first hand. But first, you have to step into the mind of a woman to find out her experience and “why” when a man catches her attention she will go after him!
Imagine a beautiful woman sitting home alone on a Saturday night.
Sadly, right now, that’s pretty easy to imagine since many of us still aren’t going out.
She can't go out to her favorite nightclub or bar because of quarantine. So she boots up her computer and logs onto a dating site (that have had a 500% increase in female sign ups, by the way), and goes to her inbox.
She gets HUNDREDS of messages from desperate guys. It's a bunch of “hey” and “What's up” and other weak openers.
But then she gets a message that grabs her attention and it's just 7 words long.
It takes her by total surprise and she immediately becomes flustered.
She pours over the message over and over again. No guy has ever made her feel like this before, online.
And she can't help but reply. “What did he say?”
Pay attention because you're about to learn an advanced strategy I only share with my clients.
So what is this magical sentence?
A sentence that will create BURNING attraction and build a deep, unbreakable connection within seconds.
A sentence that will cut through every poor schlub in her inbox so your message draws her eye straight to YOU.
Make girls chase you with this simple sentence
These seven simple words that you probably use every day can get her to stop scrolling and “nexting” and pay attention.
Those seven words are: “What do you want out of life?”
Yes, those few words will give you a serious upgrade to your online dating life.
Let me explain how…
This is what 99.9% of messages look like in a hot girl's inbox:
“I saw you love X! I love X too!”
Boring, predictable, and overused.
And to be honest. Flat out awful. But there's an even deeper problem and reason that these kinds of messages simply do not work with women.
It’s because they are SEEKING validation from the girl.
They NEED her approval because they don't have confidence with women, so they put her on a pedestal.
And these will never work.
As I've said before: some women don't even go on dating sites to date, but to seek validation.
They want to FEEL desired, but they don't want to do anything in return. Especially right now.
But when you ask her “What do you want out of life?” you make a subtle but POWERFUL change in the interaction. You begin to screen her instead of her being the only one who is screening you.
“Screening” will make girls chase you
Hot women think that THEY are the choosers.
She’s used to men bending over backward trying to impress her.
And even when he does everything perfectly, she gets to decide if the interaction moves forward.
Most guys NEVER even challenge girls like this. They're too afraid of scaring her off or offending her because they're needy.
But confident men aren't worried.
They don't want to waste time finding a fun girl. They want to know right away so they challenge women without even thinking twice about it.
And this communicates VOLUMES to a girl.
Here's how you're going to screen her.
Asking her testing questions will make girls chase you
When you ask her “testing questions” this will make HER qualify herself to YOU and prove she's worthy of your attention.
Here's another example:
“You do want something out of life, right? You're not one of these girls who don't have dreams and spend all day on Instagram, are you?”
Suddenly she's not the one choosing, she's been put in a position where she has to WORK for your acceptance.
This will change the way she sees you.
She will see you as a confident guy with options, and you're just testing her to see if she's a good fit for you.
The key here is to ask questions that are important to you and reflect what you're looking for in women.
Screen her by using questions that reflect your values:
“I'd like to take you out, but how would I know you'd be fun?”
“I'm an artist, are you a creative person?”
“Do you work out? I like women who take care of themselves.”
This is a FANTASTIC way to find women who are a perfect fit for you while wasting no time.
Ask questions like these and she will be eager to prove herself to you.
And if she says no — or she doesn't have the quality replies you're looking for — then just move on to the next girl.
If she says “yes”? Then give her some acceptance!
You: “I enjoy traveling on a whim, would you consider yourself adventurous and experimental?”
Her: “I almost left for Greece the other day. It’s my dream to just pick up and go there one day with no planning.
You: “That's great! I'm glad you like to experience life. Too many girls are boring, you know? But I have a good feeling about you.”
That little bit of acceptance will make her chase you!
She will want more, which of course, builds more and more attraction.
In summary, this technique will:
1.) Set you apart from other guys.
2.) Make you look like a confident man who has options and knows what he wants.
3.) Find women best suited for YOU.
4.) Make girls chase you!
All of this is possible with just a sentence!
Now THAT is a powerful technique to add to your arsenal.
If you want a vault-full of world-class dating strategies like these from professional dating coaches, then you're in luck!
I’ve put together a free 45-minute video that I know will put a smile on your face.
Because in that 45 minutes it will all become crystal clear and the frustrations or lack of confidence you’ve had with women will disappear.
Once you’ve watched it, I know you’ll be eager to put my suggestions to work immediately!
All you have to do is go to winggirlmethod.com and click watch the video now and I’ll show you everything you need to know.
Remember, finding the right girl doesn’t have to be hard when you understand what women really want.
Let me be your Wing Girl.