Learn the first step to being attractive to women!
NOTE: Want to know what your smile says about you? Get my smile and Are You Attractive To Women assessment.
Click Here to get it now and within 24 hours I'll tell you exactly how you come across to women.
The first step to being attractive to women is very simple: you just need to smile more!
I'm not talking cheesy smile, like the picture to the left. As a woman, that smile says to me “needy, eager and not enough man for me”. Which translates into A GUY I DO NOT WANT! Even if that's not who he is, it's what his smile says about him.
I'm talking sexy smile, The smile that says something behind it. George Clooney is the KING of this type of smile. This is the smile that gets you dates, sex and overall attention from women.
But WHY is smiling so important?
Flashing a smile, when you see a cute woman walking past, lets her know that you're interested in getting to know her better. It also says “I'm confident and I've got things to smile about”.
A smile is the universal signal for ‘I'm a happy, positive person, come say ‘hello'!'.
So you should get into the habit of smiling: lots. Smile at beautiful women in the mall, at an art class, at the gym, at work, in a coffee shop, in a bar, and start engaging them in conversations, getting numbers and dates!
It sounds so easy (and it is) but I get that smiling is not an automatic reflex for everyone. But like other skills or reflux we don't have naturally, we can do a little work and train ourselves to do it.
For example, I used to have a habit that when I would be really interested in what people were saying to me, I would frow my brow. I didn't realize that I did this and didn't realize that my frowed brow sent a message to people that I was judging them, or communicated to them that I didn't like them. So, I worked on it and made a conscious effort to not frow my brow.
Now I couldn't remember, right off the bat, not to frow my brow: as frowning had been a habit of mine for years. So I used a little trick to remind me to soften my brow and keep smiling!
Back when I wanted to get over my approach anxiety, I used to wear a rubber band around my wrist, that I would snap to remind me to not be afraid and get back into my body. Now that my approach anxiety is gone, I used the rubber band on my wrist as a reminder to ease up that brow and smile. It took a few weeks of me snapping my wristband to remember what to do, but soon my frown pretty much vanished.
I soon noticed that people seemed more relaxed around me, and responded more warmly to me. This is because I was giving out signals that I was approachable, and that I was appreciating what they were saying.
Smiles are great communicators, and do a lot of the hard work of approaching a woman for you.
So if you have trouble remembering to smile, or have a natural ‘frown face' when you meet new people; you need to work out your own technique to get smiling.
If you have a face that has a serious expression (even when inwardly you're feeling happy) then you may need to find your own version of my reminder-wristband. Maybe try another special accessory or item, or every time you become conscious that you didn't smile take ten seconds to put a smile across your face, so you get into the habit of beaming.
Learn To Have The Sexy Smile Women Are Attracted To.
Here's How – Exercise:
– Go watch any George Clooney movie and watch how to smiles at women
– Go sit in front of your mirror and practice doing that same smile, but obviously give your own spin to it. Do this for 1 week.
– Find 3 females (co-workers, friends, sister) and ask them what your smile says to them
– BONUS: Want to see if you have nailed that super sexy smile? You can send me either pictures or a video of yourself doing the smile and I will tell you if it's right OR if you need to make tweaks. All you have to do is Sign Up for the assessment and within 24 hours, I'll tell you exactly what women think.
Smiling may not seem natural now, but just like any new skill, you can learn to incorporate it more often. Once your natural instinct is to smile when you see a woman that you like, you'll start getting a lot more smiles back, and (hopefully) a lot more great interactions, numbers and dates with the women you want. You will have mastered the first step to becoming a more attractive man.
Get my smile and Are You Attractive To Women assessment. Click Here to get it now and within 24 hours I'll tell you:
– What your smile says about you
– If your smile is turning women off
– If you need to tweak your image. Simple tweaks can make MASSIVE changes with women.
– If women will find you attractive
– What your overall look says about you
To get a REAL, HONEST female assessment instantly Click Here