You may not even realize it but you could be sabotaging your chances of having sex simply by not being prepared. Read THIS for a handy checklist of things to make sure you have covered to increase your chances of getting laid!
Sometimes the thing that’s holding a guy back with women is so simple, he doesn’t even realize it. That was the case with one of my new students recently, Patrick.
Patrick was putting the info from the Banter Guide into action and women were loving him for it. He was flirting with women every time he left his house… And was feeling more confident than he ever had in his life. Then he met one woman he really liked and they connected.
But there was just one problem. Even after multiple dates, Patrick wasn’t able to take things to a sexual level. So we examined all the possible reasons for why he was getting stuck.
And in the end, it came down to one simple thing:
He wasn’t prepared to have sex with this woman.
What I mean by that is he hadn’t planned ahead and taken steps to make sex a smooth and simple process. For example, his first big mistake was not carrying any condoms on him.
If you go out on a date, not taking a condom is a rookie error. You’re basically telling yourself there’s no chance you’ll be getting any action that night. Now, another mistake Patrick was making was not having his apartment prepared for company.
He admitted he didn’t clean the bathroom or his bedroom before heading out for a date. He didn’t have any wine or alcoholic drinks to offer her if she came back to his. (Not saying you have to drink, but you should have a few options on hand to offer your guests.)
And he hadn’t thought about music, or a movie, or anything else to help create a more comfortable mood. All of these things combined meant it was unlikely Patrick was going to sleep with this woman he was really into.
Subconsciously he had all these barriers in place that were keeping him stuck.
Sometimes people do that intentionally (without realizing it) as a way to avoid getting out of their comfort zones. So by not having condoms, or leaving your place messy, psychologically you give yourself an excuse not to take the risk of inviting her home.
That’s what Patrick was doing.
Once I pointed this out to him, and had him take steps to remove all of these hurdles, his results quickly changed. The very next date with this woman he brought her home after following my advice… And they’ve been together ever since and things are going great.
So if you’re not getting laid as much as you’d like, consider if there are any excuses you have in place that are holding you back.
But if the reason is because you don’t know how to consistently attract women…
Then you need to go ahead and check out The Banter Guide just like Patrick did. This is the blueprint to getting women sexually interested in you… and at that point, most of the hard work is already done.
Click Here And Discover How To Create Instant Sexual Chemistry Through Banter
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