Wanna know how to guarantee you get a second date with women?? Then click play and watch the video below.
In it, I reveal what my friends boyfriend would say to her at the end of every date, that made her have no choice but to say YES to him.
Just to reiterate what I said in the video. The key is, at the end of the date to say to a woman:
“I had a great time with you tonight.”
Then recall something about the date or something you learned about her on the date. Then say…
“I want to see you again. What are you doing next X.”
Or if you are really suave, you could have laid some foundation during the date by talking about something you guys share a similar interest in. Then say, “I want to take you to X next week. What are you doing on X.”
From framing what you say in this way, it shows your intentions and it says that you are confident. Both super sexy thing to women.
If you want to learn more about things to say to women that get you results you want with women, then check out my step by step system for approaching, attracting and getting the girl. It's called How To Become A Man Women Want.
Learn more about it by clicking here.