A sample exercise to “coming out of your shell.”
Starting a “low risk” conversation is a great exercise to help you to “come out of their shell.” A “low risk” conversation is one where you can't be rejected easily.
Here's a one good example:
First, for simplicity let's have two categories.
1. Plus (+) which is a positive response
2. Minus (-) which is a negative/neutral response
Go to a location (Whole Foods, a bookstore, etc) where there is likely to be some attractive women. Find one who is NOT wearing a watch and ask her “Do you know what time it is?” Put her response in a +/- category. If you think that her response is a “+” as measured by her tone, her reaction, her overall response then the conversation plan goes something like this:
You: “Do you have the time?”
Her: (+) “Oh, sorry I don't have a watch do you want me to find out for you?”
You: “No, problem. Does your cell phone have the time? I forgot mine”
Her: (+) “Oh, good idea, yes it's 11:30”
You: “Thank you”….then see if you can start conversation.
If you do start a conversation, no matter how trivial it may seem…….you just took a small step in coming out of your shell! Great! Want to add in a little flirting?
When the conversation is over, say “I really didn't want to know the time, I just wanted to talk with you” and walk away. If something better comes out of the conversation, that's great. However, get the flirt in if you can!
You don't have to use the EXACT wording that I have given you, but you get the idea. It's just a small step to starting conversations with people. The more you do it, the easier it becomes!
Oh, if her response is a minus (-), you may want to try someone else OR challenge yourself to taking a bigger risk. It's just an exercise. Get out of that shell!
NOTE: This exercise is just for practice and to help you break out of your shell!
For more exercises and challenges that will boost your confidence through the roof and have you approaching and talking to women with ease, check out How to Become A Man Women Want.
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