Before I give you your key that unlocks the secrets of ALL women, I need you to acknowledge that you may have some beliefs about women that could be stopping you from getting everything you desire. Meaning, these beliefs may be a cause of subconscious limitations and anger towards women.
For every program purchased from The Wing Girl Method we require that you are clear of certain beliefs that will make it impossible for you to get the women you want.
I have put together a list of Female Facts, Myths, and Urban Legends that I need you to read and understand before you move on to the next stage.
At the end of this list there will be a contract that requires your signature. This contract is between yourself and The Wing Girl Method saying that you have read, understand and believe all the Female Facts, Myths, and Urban Legends I have listed for you.
Once you agree and fill in your first name and email into the allotted spaces you will gain entry to the product you purchased and on your way to Learning What Women REALLY Want From Men!
FACT: Looks Are Not As Important To Women As They Are To You
Men make decisions based on facts, and women make their decisions based on feelings.
Therefore, when meeting a new man, women will decide if they are attracted to them because of how that man makes them feel – not how he looks. In man terms, this means LOOKS ARE NOT AS IMPORTANT TO WOMEN AS THEY ARE TO MEN.
When a man first approaches a woman she judges him entirely on his looks and how he presents himself. What else does she have to judge from? It's only been five seconds. But something interesting happens to a woman when she continues to interact with others. She starts to develop a feeling about the other person and from that feeling she interprets a person's character and value. Their looks start to blur and their appearance changes depending on how they make her feel. At The Wing Girl Method, we call this projection ENERGY.
Think about how women describe their friends to other possible suitors. Any other woman that a female “feels” close to or cares about becomes attractive to them . . . which is why you may constantly be set up with plain Jane! Not attractive to you, but beautiful to your female friend. She values this woman and because of how she FEELS about her, believes she is attractive.
Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, good-looking or plain, fat or thin, bald or hairy, if you can master the art of projecting energy that women can enjoy FEELING, you can light up a woman's primal attraction circuitry like a Christmas tree!
This is great news for you because amplifying your energy is a skill you can learn and which can take you from being a complete failure with women to being a rock star.
MYTH: I Must Find A Woman Who Has XYZ…
Dr. Benjamin Karney, from The Relationship Institute at UCLA, told me about a psychological study performed to see if an individual's pre-determined list of qualities a partner must possess hold up as a measurement of what they really want.
They decided to perform this study using a speed-dating environment where an equal number of men and women were present. Prior to speed dating, they asked all participants to list what they wanted most in a partner.
As a whole, men said looks were the most important to them and women said that a man's earning potential was most valued. Women, on average, listed looks as the 5th most important quality.
When the speed dating commenced, they asked everyone to rate each person on an attraction scale and on an earning potential scale 10 being most attractive/top earning potential and 1 being the least attractive/least earning potential.
Based on the pre-session results, you would expect that at the end the session the men who said looks were the most important would have selected to further connect with the women they rated as a 10 for looks. Similarly, you would also expect that the women would feel a connection with the men which they rated as 10 for earning potential.
They found the participant's pre-determined list of qualities had nothing to do with their selection of those that they felt a connection with.
This means that the list of “qualities” they had been using to select possible dating partners was bubcus! (That means rubbish, garbage, false in Yiddish.)
These lists of qualities can limit people from meeting their potential mates. Even worse, they are stopping people from finding the fun in the dating process because they add too much rigidity to their selection phase.
Eliminate your set list of “qualities” and ignore others lists because it may stop you from finding the women you want.
FACT: Women Reveal, Men Conceal
How do women bond? They bond by revealing information to one another. Think about when women meet for the first time. They huddle in a corner and see how many times they can say “me too”. This brings them closer together and forms a bonding connection for FRIENDSHIP.
Example of Friendship Conversation: “Oh wow! Me too. I totally have the same situation when I am at the gym and this person has been on the machine for longer than the allotted 25 minutes.” Or, “I had the same thing in my past relationship. My ex was completely selfish and would have no regard for my opinions when making decisions.”
As a man if you reveal too much too soon you will wind up directly in the FRIEND ZONE – a horrible place for any man with plans of intimacy, love, or sex. This does not mean you have to actively conceal information and be cocky about it, because a woman does want to get to know you. It does mean take your time revealing your information, experiences and history to a woman and be sure this woman is worth revealing to.
MYTH: Women Test Men for Sport
Contrary to popular belief, women do not test men for sport. They test men because of their own insecurity. Do not panic if a woman asks you a question where you feel she is testing you. Remember that this “test” is just a symptom of an insecurity that is brewing inside her. Nothing to do with you . . . that is until you panic!
TRUTH: As women we aim to be the perfect, idealistic woman. That is our goal and that is where most of our actions and expectations come from. Because of this, we shove our needs to the side until they come busting out of us.
Women do not state their needs because they feel that if they do, they are weak, vulnerable, and needy. Men are the total opposite. Men state their needs at the time they feel them so that their needs can be met right away. You guys are definitely on to something!
Because of this, a lot of times men have to decide what women need and the bad news is that usually you are wrong.
Handle any situation you feel as a “test” with calmness and grace and understand that the question is coming from a place of insecurity. If you can help her calm this insecurity, you will be her HERO.
FACT: Women Do Not Like Bad Boys
Women do not want to be with a Bad Boy, a Jerk or an A**hole. They want to be with nice men. BUT this nice man better have a strong backbone. There is big difference between being a wimp that gets walked all over and a Nice Man.
I have never heard of any woman sitting with her friends during a girls night saying “I can't wait till I meet a Jerk, A**hole that will treat me poorly, belittle me on a daily basis, and show absolutely no signs of respect for me.”
All women are looking for a MAN. A MAN with a backbone that respects himself. A man that is calm, cool, collected, comfortable, and honest. An authentic MAN – not a Bad Boy.
FACT: Women Have Baggage and Insecurities
Even though many women present themselves as flawless, what goes on inside our heads is often a total mess. Just like men we have had experiences in our lives that have led us to who we are today. We may have been hurt, we may have been taken advantage of, we may be shy or we may not have learned how to appreciate ourselves.
Just because a woman is attractive does not mean that she is confident. Women may be able to walk into a room and get sex instantly if they wish but they may not be able to find a good man that respects them and treats us how we want to be treated.
Understand that you are not the only one with anxious, eager thoughts running through your head. Women experience exactly the same thing.
URBAN LEGEND: The Man Who Went From Friend to Lover Just By Waiting
Have you ever heard the story about the wimpy guy who was in love with a girl for 2 years?
Well what happened was this: he focused so much attention on this girl, listened to her complain about boyfriends, went shopping with her, was her shoulder to cry on and was there for her whenever she needed him. He was so focused on this one girl that he totally ignored other potential women because he was sure one day she would come around.
Well, turns about that she did! And he didn't even have to say anything. One day the girl turned to him and said “OMG, why hadn't I ever noticed you before? You are exactly the man I want and have always needed. I love you and want to have sex with you every day to make up for lost time.”
You want to know why you have never heard this story before? Because it didn't happen and will never happen. That is not how women work and using this manipulative tactic of back-routing to attraction will always fail. Don't ask to be a friend if what you want is to get busy. Ask to get busy.
FACT: Women Are Good
This is the most important one: you must believe that women are good because they are. You may have been hurt in the past, women may have treated you poorly, but you must not hold past experiences against all women. You must also get rid of any negative stereotypes you have of women because the more walls you hold up, the more difficult it will become to connect, form relationships, and get the women you want.
Just as women need to learn that men are good, you must believe that women are good. They are just different. And because they are different and you don't understand their behaviors, you may have negative feelings towards women. You must eliminate all your past beliefs about women, and go back to a place where you hold them as BEAUTIFUL inside and out in your mind if you ever want to master seduction. Women have done no wrong; they are wonderful and amazing . . . just different than you.
In order to move forward in this process of Becoming a Man that Women Want and getting everything you have ever wanted with women, you must absorb, understand, and believe all the facts above.
Know that this contract will not be used to manipulate or harm you. I am not trying to brainwash you, or turn you into wimpy with no backbone. I am on your side and am working hard to provide you the proper information that will open your eyes to the wonderful possibilities you can have with women. You must purge all negative energy and false beliefs before you can really move forward.
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