Have you ever found yourself constantly checking your phone… Hoping for a message from that one special woman? Most guys go through this awful experience at some point. They wait and wait. And the reply never comes. Which makes them feel hopeless and frustrated. Well, I want to tell you exactly what to do when a girl isn’t [Continue Reading]
Single Hottest Trait In A Man That Any Guy Can Have
Doesn’t matter if it’s a woman in her 20s, 30s, 50s, or even 70’s… There’s ONE hottest trait in a man that we simply cannot resist. No. I’m not talking about confidence, charisma, or a sense of humor. Nor am I speaking of height, social status, or good looks. This is something way more unique [Continue Reading]
10 Things Women Will Say to Test You (Best Responses Included)
Here’s the deal. Women test men. But not for the reasons that you think. It’s not malicious. Or pre meditated or meant to hurt you. In fact, we women aren’t testing you men hoping you’ll fail. We test to protect ourselves, our bodies and our hearts. And testing usually comes in the form of saying and doing [Continue Reading]
Why Do Girls Like Bad Boys? 3 Mindsets That Attract Women
Mindsets That Players And Bad Boys Use To Get Girls Whether you like it or not, bad boys and players have an unfair advantage with women. But why do girls like bad boys so much? They often date and sleep with the hottest women, who other men only dream about. And the truth is, this [Continue Reading]
Why Women Lie About How They Really Feel About Guys
3 Reasons Women Lie About Their “True Feelings” For A Man Sometimes what women SAY they want and what women really want in a man doesn’t seem to line up. This article explains why women lie, THO why women aren’t lying the way you think they are. So I was having an interesting conversation with [Continue Reading]
How To Escalate With A Girl | Sexual Escalation “How” And “When”
How and When To Sexually Escalate With Women How to escalate with a girl? That is the question. Most likely you are NOT escalating correctly and creeping out women. Not on purpose. But you are. Let me take a step back for a second and share an email I got from Corey. He’s one of [Continue Reading]
What Women Really Want And How To Know When Women BS You!
Why Women Are Bullshit Artists And How To See Through It Sometimes what women SAY they want in a man, is not what they REALLY want. A.K.A BS. But it’s unconscious BS and women should not be blamed for this. Let me tell you a story so that you can fully understand what I’m saying. [Continue Reading]
Why Are Women Gold Diggers? The Controversial Truth!
Two deep psychological reasons that attract women to guys with money: Why are women gold diggers you ask? Let me tell you the truth about women and money and 2 deep psychological reasons that attract MOST women to guys with money. Here’s a question I get all the time: “Marni, I know you’ve been saying [Continue Reading]
Is She Using Me? Know The Signs Women Are Using You
Know The Signs A Woman Is Using You (Or If You’re Playing Yourself)! Is she using me, or am I missing something? Men ask me this question constantly. If you want to know the signs that a woman is playing you, taking advantage of you, or simply just leading you on for her own benefit, [Continue Reading]
Alpha Male Traits | This Unusual Trait Makes You Instantly Alpha
Alpha Male Traits She Loves One of the most CRUCIAL alpha male traits that you can actually learn when it comes to attracting women is something you probably wouldn’t expect. When you learn how to do this right, you’re going to stick out above the rest of the guys vying for her attention. You’ll be [Continue Reading]