I guarantee you’ve thought this about women: I looked over at her and immediately she looked away. She must not be into me right??? Wrong!!!! Watch the video below, where I explain what it means when a woman looks at you and what it means when she looks away. FEMALE EYE CONTACT EXPLAINED: Are you [Continue Reading]
[VIDEO] What Are The Rules For Texting And Sexting
What Are The Rules For Texting And Sexting? The women of The Ask Women Podcast tell you in this video: Download this week’s episode of The Ask Women Podcast here: https://podcastone.com/Ask-Women Or you can download it on iTunes. Ask Women Podcast is the realistically raw and hilarious perspectives on what women ACTUALLY want in a [Continue Reading]
Is Your Place A Turn-On or Turn-Off To Women?
Is your place a turn-on or turn-off to women? You never get a second chance to make a first impression with your place. Don’t leave it to chance! The Insiders Guide to Your Bachelor Pad: 9 Things Women Really Want Follow these 9 guidelines, and you’ll have a stylish place that is sure to impress [Continue Reading]
The Difference Between Being Introverted and Being Shy
Tons of people believe that being introverted is the exact same thing as being shy. These people tend to blame their introversion for the reason they are not meeting women, getting dates or progressing in their success with women. I’m going to break all these introverts beliefs in about 30 seconds by revealing to them [Continue Reading]
How To Date Women In Their 20’s: My Younger Sister Nicki Tells All
I’m putting an end to a horrible rumor right now!!! The rumor that states that it is creepy to date younger women. First – It’s not at all. In fact, many women I know date men who are considerably older than them. AND NO it’s not for their money or social status. These men are [Continue Reading]
When Should You Approach A Woman? Marni’s Mailbag
Hey! I’ve been getting floods of emails from guys who’ve been asking GREAT questions that I think you’d love to hear for yourself. And it seems I get the most over the weekend come Monday lol… Sooooo…. I decided to send you the best questions and success stories every Monday and call it “Marni’s Mailbag” [Continue Reading]
Do Women Care If You’re Fit? How Being Unfit and Out of Shape Can Affect Your Dating Life
You know I’m all for personality over looks but being healthy is very different from being thin. An unhealthy, non-fit guy can be a big turn off because of the way it affects your dating life. Being unfit and out of shape can have a detrimental effect on your dating life. From the dates you [Continue Reading]
Your Weekend Dare: Get Your Own Wing Girl
Last week’s dare went so well that I thought I would give you another one to use tonight! For this one, you must be out of your house and somewhere social. So if you don’t have plans for this weekend, GET SOME 😉 You’re not going to meet women sitting on your couch now are [Continue Reading]
How To Notice The Signs She’s Into You
Do you have trouble with noticing the signs she’s into you?? Apparently this is a big problem for a lot of men. One that can be easily fixed with a little direction from me 😉 What I think is actually going on when you don’t “notice the signs she’s into you” is that you are [Continue Reading]
#1 Mistake Men Make When Approaching Women & The Correct Way To Approach and Start Talking To Women
Not sure if you knew this or not but for the past 10 days I was in Europe. First the amazing Paris, then breathtaking Florence. I was there for a little R&R as well as some coaching. I have to say that on this trip I had one huge myth crushed for me. The myth [Continue Reading]