She greets you with a huge smile and a wink every week. Only problem is, it’s when you’re ordering your morning coffee. I get tons of emails from guys just like you asking if it is possible to flirt with a girl while she’s at work. Even if you’re normally great at flirting with women, [Continue Reading]
Marni on MTV Canada – 3 Tips For Approaching Women
Marni talks to MTV and explains to them what women really want from men! No PUA garbage. Marni teaches men how to be real men, human and awesome!
Find Your Own Local Wing Girls
Right now, in your life, you probably have access to your very own local Wing Girl BUT just don’t know it yet. Whether it’s your friends wife or girlfriend, an old female friend or a new girl you met that has a boyfriend. Potential Wing Girls are around you at all times. It’s up to [Continue Reading]
Natela Reveals What Women Want
You might wonder if a woman is “real”or “fake”, but guess what? That’s also the FIRST THING she wants to know about YOU. Are you REAL…? Or are you fake? Sincerity is the one thing you can’t simply “fake it ’til you make it.” And it’s the one thing women absolutely demand up front. There [Continue Reading]
Why Women NEED To Feel You
Women absolutely crave men to come up to them and make them feel something. I’ll explain… Recently there was a great comment thread started on my Facebook page that started with this comment “Pssst, wanna know a secret? Girls want you to talk to them!!! Trust me I know.” Tons of guys responded back with [Continue Reading]
How To Win Over A Bitch
Want to know how to win over a bitch? From the pretty girl that punched you on the playground; to the model type that gave you a blank stare when you tried to buy her a drink last Friday, I’m sure you have encountered a really pretty girl, who just happens to be a total [Continue Reading]
3 Steps To Make A Girl Laugh Within Seconds of Meeting Her
You already know how important it is to make a girl laugh if you want her to be interested… But has anyone ever taught you exactly HOW to be funny? Believe it or not, being funny is a skill, and just like any other skill, it can be learned! Every girl will tell you that [Continue Reading]
The Wing Girl Method on
My article on is getting a great response. Over 250 people have recommended it to their friends to read and 109 people have commented. The article is 6 Dating Tips for guys on how to pick up girls! I have been blown away by the response, especially by women. They love it, they agree [Continue Reading]
#1 Mistake Men Make With Women
Drove down to San Diego yesterday to do a 3 minute segment on San Diego 6, The CW Morning Show with Mark and Heather. It was awesome and in just 3 minutes, Mark got a lot of great information out of me including #1 Mistake Men Make With Women. Pretty sure I did a good [Continue Reading]
Toronto Bootcamp Aug 12 to 14
Amazing Breakthrough In “Interactive” Training Allows You To Cram 12 Months of the Most Advanced, Yet Natural Dating Skills INTO JUST ONE WEEKEND. In just one weekend you can – Finally realize that “approach anxiety” is nothing but a myth (I’ll show you how to be TRULY “natural” – so that you forget you were [Continue Reading]