The help me eyes are the international, female signal for “Get me the hell away from this guy”. CLICK PLAY TO WATCH Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Now that you know how to spot them, I want to tell you how to use this knowledge. 1. Call a woman on it. Not in [Continue Reading]
How To Kiss A Girl
NOTE: Be sure to check out What’s Inside A Woman’s Mind and get a real, unfiltered insiders look at how women REALLY behave when men aren’t around. Click Here to check out more How To Kiss A Girl The first kiss! Oh the first kiss!!! Such an amazing moment sprinkled with discomfort, awkwardness and fear. [Continue Reading]
Kissing Women At The End Of A Date: How To Know If She Wants To Be Kissed!
No longer does kissing women at the end of a date have to become such a daunting task. I have put together her list of the important signs to look for that will let you know a woman wants to be kissed. It’s the end of an evening with your date, following a great dinner [Continue Reading]
Why Do Women Flake On Plans?
Why do women flake on plans? Have you ever made plans with a women and then 30 minutes before meeting she sends you a text saying “Totally forgot. I have plans to meet my grandmother and can’t make it” or “Seems work has called me in last minute. Can we reschedule?” I am pretty sure [Continue Reading]
Does She Like Me Or Is She Trying To Get Over Her Ex?
Does She Like You Or Is She Trying To Get Over Her Ex? Read on to find out… For both men and women, getting over an ex is tough. It’s especially tough for others around us because our actions are not stable and can be based on emotional insecurity rather than rational choices. This means [Continue Reading]
6 Signs She’s A Cock Tease
A Wing Girls job is to let you know what you need to do in order to attract the women you want. It is also her job to inform you of when he is wasting his time on a woman that is not into him. A.K.A help you spot the signs she’s a cock tease [Continue Reading]
Why Do Women Give Out Their Phone Number and Not Answer?
I have been that girl who has given my number with absolutely no intention of answering the phone.
I know it’s wrong but it’s so much easier and less awkward to give out my number then to say “sorry I’m so not into you and I will never answer my phone when you call. I do not want to go out with you.”
How To Tell A Woman Likes You
Learn to spot the subtle signals women give when they are interested in you.