The other day I was on the phone with Alex, my awesome Wing Girl and she started telling me this story about a guy she met at a cookout, at her parents house… And how she felt like she was throwing herself at him by doing this one thing that all women do when they [Continue Reading]
Weird “flip switch” in women’s brains that make them crave you [Part 3/3]
Over the past 2 days we’ve covered so many things: The difference between Mr. Creep and the type of guy who women find irresistible How to make your intentions known without being awkward and creepy How to set yourself apart from 99% of the guys out there How to smoothly build sexual tension to the [Continue Reading]
These Simple Words Drive her Wild [Part 2/3]
Yesterday I introduced you to Emily, our fantasy girl next door. I introduced you to Robert, the smooth operator and Mr. Creep, self explanatory – OBVIOUSLY. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t panic! See part 1 here. You’re very welcome.) Their story is fictional but I see it in reality all [Continue Reading]
Mr. Creep vs Mr. Holy S@*t [Part 1/3]
Have you ever flirted with a girl and it was just FILLED with awkward silences, weird looks and went absolutely nowhere? What’s worse is that it left you discouraged, insecure and scared to try your luck with the next girl? I’ll let you in on a little secret about that time you crashed and burned [Continue Reading]
How To Tell If She Likes You and If You Should Pursue Her
Here’s a Quick Tip: If Women Don’t Respond To You… STOP CONTACTING THEM The Media has taught you that women like to be pursued. But the truth is… WE DON’T!! At least, not by someone that we are not attracted to, feel no connection to, and are not excited by. So how are you to [Continue Reading]
Flirty or Friendly: How to Tell if She Wants You or Just Wants to be Your Friend
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been hanging out with a girl, you like her, and you think she likes you. Then one day you make a move and she tells you she views your relationship as a friendly rather than romantic one. You’re blindsided! Your ego is bruised! You wonder how you [Continue Reading]
How To Be Mysterious With Women and Avoid Being A Douchebag
I got an email recently that perturbed me. It perturbed me because it gave me flashbacks to the many times when I experienced what this guy was asking about BUT from the other end. I wanted to share it with you because hopefully you are not making the same flirting mistake this guy has been [Continue Reading]
Flirting Lessons From Lesbians
So I’m pretty obsessed with the new show Orange Is The New Black… And NATURALLY I was able to find an AMAZING example of how to flirt with women & get their attention 🙂 Watch this video now to find out how you can approach women more easily and playfully to get them wanting and [Continue Reading]
How Can I Tell If She Likes Me? Signs Women Are Into You
Women are subtle little creatures. Which is the thing that makes us so wonderful but also so darn confusing. Check out my video where I answer a question from John who is confused about whether or not a girl likes him. The best way to find out if a girl likes you is to ASK [Continue Reading]
How Good Are You With Women? Simple Checklist To Discover Your GAME LEVEL
Want to know how good you are with women? I had a member of The Wing Girl Method write into me the other day and ask “Marni, Do you have a big checklist to see our level of where we’re at with women?” and I said “OMG, no I don’t but I will totally make [Continue Reading]