Did you know that there were Kegel exercises for men to do, so that they can last longer in bed?? Neither did I until yesterday. One of my clients asked me “Are there kegel exercises for men?”. He wanted to do these exercises so that he could make his PC (pubococcygeus) muscles to control ejaculation [Continue Reading]
When Is It Okay To Talk Dirty To A Woman?
When is it okay to talk dirty to a woman? This is an area that has been fascinating me for the past week after getting an email from one of my clients, who I will refer to as D. Email: Marni, Thanks for all your advice. I am having too much fun now. I wish [Continue Reading]
What To Say To A Naked Woman
I came across an amazing article while I was reading my man’s Men’s Health magazine. It was called What To Say To A Naked Woman. The article is based on a survey conducted by the magazine where they surveyed over 2,000 women on a myriad of questions. I wanted to highlight some interesting points that [Continue Reading]
How To Please A Woman Sexually
You want to know how to please a woman sexually? It’s not always what you think. In this special interview, I sit down with my friend Jason (an expert on sexual escalation) to discuss attraction, how to get physical, and what men can do to really please a woman in bed. https://winggirlmethod.com/audio/Jason-lane-sexual-escalation.mp3 Want to discover [Continue Reading]
Do Women Want Sex As Much As Men?
Of course we do. We just want to be able to make the choice to have sex. Speaking for myself, as a woman, I like sex. It’s fun and it feels good. What’s not to like. I will be honest and tell you that I am a good girl who used to be very prude [Continue Reading]