Really interesting video on the how to keep desire alive in a long-term relationship. In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best friend and erotic partner. But as Esther Perel argues in the video below, good and committed sex draws on two conflicting needs: our need for security and our need [Continue Reading]
Do You Think You’re A Good Lover
Do you think you’re a good lover?? Honestly, you don’t have to answer that right now but think about it. A good lover, from a woman’s POV, is one that is present and connected to her in the bedroom whether it’s for one night of fun and excitement or a lifetime. A good lover is [Continue Reading]
Tips For Making An “Oral” Experience Better For Women
If you want girls to want to go down on you, gotta make their experience as enjoyable as possible. Here are my top tips for how to make the “oral” experience better for women. WHAT DID YOU THINK? Leave a comment below and let me know what you thought of this video. I would appreciate [Continue Reading]
How To Communicate With Your Partner
My newest Bing/MSN video’s are live. They are all geared towards couples. Check this one out on how to communicate with your significant other. Even if you are not in a relationship, this is still great advice: Video: 2-Minute Couples Coach: Communicating
10 Ways To Get Her In The Mood
I am pretty sure I told you this already, but I write a column for Canada’s top male publication, UMM. My articles are in every issue 🙂 Here’s a piece I wrote called 10 Ways To Get Her In The Mood. I am about to rock your world by revealing the #1 myth about women [Continue Reading]
What Do Women Find Sexy?
Did you know that for women, the term “sexy” does not have a generic definition? Well, I did. Which is why UMM Magazine, a Canadian publication that I write for regularly, asked me to interview women and ask them “What Do Women Find Sexy?”. The results include answers that, I’m pretty sure, will shock you. [Continue Reading]
How To Talk To Women About Trying New Things In The Bedroom
“You want to put your what? In my where?!?” Talking about sex with a woman even if you’re in a long term relationship can be an uncomfortable situation. Especially, if you want to discuss trying something new. Many men that I work with find experimenting and fantasy a tough topic to bring up to a [Continue Reading]
Marni #1 Wing Girl & The Wing Girl Method Join
Marni #1 Wing Girl and The Wing Girl Method join!! I, Marni, your Wing Girl have been asked to be one of‘s video experts on SEX!!! To be fair, “Sexpert” is not a hat I am used to wearing, but I am definitely confident and comfortable talking about sex from the female POV. [Continue Reading]
How To Get A Woman To Calm Down and Be Happy
I have a great video example of how to talk to woman when she is feeling insecure and acting mean towards you. Here’s what to say to get her to calm down, be happy and see you as her hero! The key to get a woman to calm down and be happy, is to know [Continue Reading]
3 Myths About Porn You Need To Know Before Having Sex
WARNING: This post includes sexually explicit content that may make you uncomfortable. This post is for all the people out there who believe Porn is the be all and end all when it comes to sexual instruction. When in fact, the truth is that most of the stuff you see in Porn you would NEVER [Continue Reading]