I watch porn!!!!! This should not a be shock to you cause I talk about it all the time on my podcast Ask Women. I watch porn, I like porn, I learn new things every time and I watch and I get off from porn… What I don’t do is let porn rule my life [Continue Reading]
3 Porn Myths That Are Hurting Your Sex Life PLUS 1 Awesome Bedroom Trick
WARNING: This post includes sexually explicit content that may make you uncomfortable. This post is for all the people out there who believe Porn is the be all and end all when it comes to sexual instruction. When in fact, the truth is that most of the stuff you see in Porn you would NEVER [Continue Reading]
How To Make Any Woman Comfortable Being Naked With You
Believe it or not, but most of us women aren’t 100% confident with our bodies. Even if you think we look sexy as hell, we’ll be aware of different flaws or parts of our bodies we don’t like. That means we might not be comfortable with YOU seeing us naked, especially the first time! And [Continue Reading]
What To Say & Do If You Lose Your Erection During Sex
Have you ever lost your erection while having sex with a woman? Don’t worry, I’m not about to start pushing Viagra on you. The reason I’m bringing up this topic is that I know losing an erection can be a sticky topic for you and for the woman you are sleeping with. It can be [Continue Reading]
How To Pleasure A Woman: Sex Advice For Men From A Lesbian
Want advice on how to pleasure a woman?? Then you gotta go to the source to get real tips and sex advice! Which is why I asked Jess the lesbian to give you her best tips on how to pleasure a woman. Watch this video and get real sex advice from a lesbian! Want more [Continue Reading]
Getting Sexual Via Text
Today I want to talk a little bit about getting sexual via text, or “Sexting” as the kids are calling it these days. In his new book “Text 2 Sex,” Race de Priest breaks down all his greatest techniques to seduce women and get them over to your place, all by sending texts. Turning the [Continue Reading]
Porn vs. Real Sex
So I’ve kind of had a rough day that I want to vent about. I’ve had to go and see 3 Dr.’s today. Don’t worry, it’s nothing that serious but in all honesty it’s been a scary, tough day for me. The 3rd Dr. performed Oral Surgery on me and now I’m stuck in bed [Continue Reading]
When Is It Okay To Talk Dirty To A Woman?
When is it okay to talk dirty to a woman? This is an area that has been fascinating me for the past week after getting an email from one of my clients, who I will refer to as D. Email: Marni, Thanks for all your advice. I am having too much fun now. I wish [Continue Reading]
Marni Recommends: Top Resources For 2014
I want you to be as ready for 2014 as possible which is why I have put together a list of my top resources YOU NEED to get, to start 2014 off right! You probably see a lot of information and advice from other experts/gurus etc… out there in terms of getting girls… And sometimes [Continue Reading]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ask Women Podcast Starts Next Week
I have some really big news!!! Big news that I may have mentioned to you before but now it’s actually happening. I am finally doing a Podcast and I am so excited about it. Me and 3 other amazing, intelligent SUPER HOT women, are going to be doing a weekly FREE podcast called Ask Women. [Continue Reading]