What Does Being a Nice Guy Actually Mean? Are you the nice guy? Do you constantly let her have her way? Do you go out of your way to please her? Does every relationship you have end with the F-Word – FRIENDS? “Nice Guy” is a Matter of Perspective, Yours and Hers His Definition: Nice [Continue Reading]
Take Advantage of Me??
How many times have you wished you could go back in time? Maybe you screwed up with a girl. Said the wrong thing. Everything is falling apart, and you wish you could just take it all back. How much would you pay to be able to send a single email to yourself in the past? [Continue Reading]
What To Do To Get Her Back – This Worked On Me
Lost her and desperately want to get her back? I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what to do to get her back, but I first wanted to share a story with you about my last break up… I was dating this guy for a few months. He was great and things were going perfectly… And [Continue Reading]
If You Want A GirlFriend Read This… How To Select The RIGHT Girl For You
Can you tell if a woman is RIGHT for you?? Do you know what you want in a partner? Do you know how you want that woman to make you feel? Don’t worry if you answer no to all of these questions because a few years ago I didn’t know either… AND actually most people [Continue Reading]
What To Say When She Says I Have A Boyfriend
Watching glee last night and there was a PERFECT example of what to say when she says I have a boyfriend. This guy gives a great example of how to respond with confidence and comfort while clearly stating his intentions. Watch the FLV Version Here: Your browser does not support the video tag. WHAT DID [Continue Reading]
Flirty or Friendly: How to Tell if She Wants You or Just Wants to be Your Friend
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been hanging out with a girl, you like her, and you think she likes you. Then one day you make a move and she tells you she views your relationship as a friendly rather than romantic one. You’re blindsided! Your ego is bruised! You wonder how you [Continue Reading]