I thought this video clip would be a great motivation for you this week. The clip is from my new Netflix bedtime show, ABC’s Greek and the clip is a quick explanation as to why attracting women should be easy for you, it’s just your head that’s stopping you. This video is going to show [Continue Reading]
Episode 23: #1 Thing That Turns Women On…
Is….. PURPOSE. I’ll tell you all about why it’s the #1 thing that turns people on, especially women in this week’s podcast. Go download the latest episode of the AskWomen Podcast here: ==>https://bit.ly/12sd68B This week we had the amazing Dr. Drew stop by our show. To be honest, it was a last minute thing that [Continue Reading]
Episode 22: How To Pick The Right Woman For You
Episode #22 of The Ask Women Podcast is live and ready for download! Go download the latest episode of the AskWomen Podcast here: ==>https://bit.ly/12sd68B I cannot believe we have already done 22 episodes. Nuts right?? We had a meeting at our podcasting network (podcast one) last week and they’re talking about having us do 2 [Continue Reading]
Voodoo Trick That Works On Women
OMG, my husband just voodoo’d me into be excited for him to go for a boys night!!! I basically pushed him out the door and told him to. I understand that men need/want their space and that they want/need time away from their women to be masculine and recharge. BUT even though I may be [Continue Reading]
How To Ask A Woman On A Second Date: Ask Marni
Not sure if you know this or not but I am now the official dating expert for Sex.com. I’m going to be doing weekly Videos for them, called Ask Marni, where men send me in question and I answer them AND I get to keep my top on!!! Not sure if that’s a plus for [Continue Reading]
Understanding Women
My mother sent me a forward the other day called Understanding Women. When I opened it up it was a joke that I’d heard before but find hilarious every time I read it. Just wanted to share it: A man on his Harley was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above [Continue Reading]