Have I ever told you about re-framing?? I’m sure you’ve heard of it before, but I want to talk about in terms of attraction, approaching and dating because it’s super important. I’ll tell you a little story first and then I’ll explain why re-framing is important AND how to do it! As I told you [Continue Reading]
How To Be Mysterious With Women and Avoid Being A Douchebag
I got an email recently that perturbed me. It perturbed me because it gave me flashbacks to the many times when I experienced what this guy was asking about BUT from the other end. I wanted to share it with you because hopefully you are not making the same flirting mistake this guy has been [Continue Reading]
Body Language Tips For Men: Don’t Ever Do This With Women
What I am about to explain to you is very important. So PLEASE pay close attention. It’s something that you should NEVER, EVER do to a woman. A guy at the gym did this to me this morning and I wanted to run away from him every time he did it. I have to take [Continue Reading]
3 Steps to Approaching A Group of Girls
I was at a restaurant type of lounge last night with a few of my girlfriends having dinner… And as usual I couldn’t help but watch some of the interactions going on between the men and women. There was this one group of maybe 5 very attractive girls that every group of guys had their [Continue Reading]
Great Opener To Say To Women
Are you calling me FAT??? In a few seconds I’ll explain why that sentence totally caught my attention and is a great opening line. So here’s what happened. I was out for a walk and decided to go to Trader Joes to get a little food shop on. I ended up getting a big food [Continue Reading]
Exercise: How To Ask A Woman Out
My sister is visiting me this weekend and last night we had a WILD girls night. Like the first year of college wild. So wild you wouldn’t believe!!! Wanna know what we did? We stayed in and watched that life of Walter Mitty movie with Ben Stiller 😉 I know, we’re boring. But at least [Continue Reading]