How To Get Girls To Contact You First Online – Profile Suggestions Want online dating profile tips for guys that actually work? Pay attention! Because I’m going to share some of the tips from my program I created last year when quarantine started. It’s called “Online Dating For Those In Quarantine” and the program had [Continue Reading]
Texting Women The Right Way Prevents Ghosting!
Texting Women And Getting Ghosted? Here’s What To Do! Here’s something I hear all the time from men when they’re texting women: “Marni, I was texting this girl and it was going great… until she disappeared. What happened? What should I do?”. (Something my team of Wing Girls hear often in our exclusive FB group [Continue Reading]
Why The “Most” Attractive Women Make You Shy! And What To Do
Why Do The Most Attractive Women Make Me Shy? Let’s talk about why you are great at attracting women you aren’t attracted to but not so good at attracting the most attractive women you really want. AND we’re going to talk about how to change that. There’s a complaint I hear from men ALL the [Continue Reading]
Texting Women Through This Unknown App Gets You More Dates
Texting Women Has Never Been Easier, Especially If You’re Bad At Texting Texting women without texting?!! How?! This article is especially for you if you’re one of those guys who’s self-proclaimed bad at texting or if you truly struggle with written communication. Earlier this week, I shared an awesome first text to write that gets [Continue Reading]
Texting Women This Message Gets Replies From 99.9% Of Women
How To Give Good Text – #1 Text Message That Gets Replies From 99.9% of Women Texting women can be easy if you follow some very simple rules and say things that speak to a woman’s emotional brain. Get ready because I’m about to give you a really good TEXT. Specifically, I’m going to give [Continue Reading]
How To Be More Attractive To Women | Transform Anxiety Into Confidence
One Simple KILLER Technique For Turning Anxiety Into Confidence | Attraction Mindset There’s a KILLER technique that you can use at any time and anywhere to attract beautiful women, and crack the code on how to be more attractive to women consistently. Okay – So what’s the super simple killer technique? Top salesmen, pro athletes, [Continue Reading]