3 Tips To Never Run Out Of Things To Say With A Girl What if you knew how to never run out of things to say to a girl? Especially when first meeting, or on a first date. Let’s discuss some tips to keep the conversation going. First, lower your expectations. You do not always [Continue Reading]
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her Without DESTROYING Her Attraction
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her Let’s talk about how to tell a girl you like her so that she likes you more, instead of less. You’ve been on a couple of dates with a girl. She’s cool, shares your values and you are totally attracted to her. Perfect right? Then you think [Continue Reading]
Dating Advice for Men: Top 3 Dos and Don’ts
Hey there, Freshman. It’s me, Marni. I’m your sunshine mixed with a little hurricane. My job is to fill you in on the ONLY DATING ADVICE FOR MEN YOU’LL EVER NEED! You put a lot of thought into everything that you do. So, I’m going, to be honest with you, my friend. Whether you know [Continue Reading]
Thoughtful Holiday Gifts For Your Girlfriend (At Every Stage Of The Relationship)
Gifts For Girlfriend At Every Stage Of Relationship Today is a very special holiday edition newsletter! Although the advice I offer can totally be used all year round. The topic for today is gift-giving. I decided to give advice on this because I got an email from Franchesco asking this: “Marni, I know the holiday [Continue Reading]
Dating Advice for Men Who Have Never Dated
Hey! It’s me, Marni! And when it comes to real dating advice for men, I’m your girl! I’m the only girl best friend you’ll ever need. It’s time to have normal interactions with women. I know you’re ready. I’m going to fill you in on how a girl thinks, acts, and feels. And you’re going to [Continue Reading]
Pro Tips: Questions to Ask a Girl
Isn’t it freaking awesome to see all of these girls really dig the hell out of you for being yourself? Some of my students have been saying they never thought they had a chance in hell with some of these women. Remember: I’ve told you it’s never too late to meet a woman. Don’t limit [Continue Reading]