I’m going to let you in on a little secret about women. We want you to approach us, and not just in certain spaces or places, we want it everywhere. We want it in the grocery store, in the gym, in line at the post office we want it everywhere. So start doing it like [Continue Reading]
3 Common Conversation Mistakes That Turn Women Off
There are threr common conversation mistakes men make when speaking to a woman that makes an awful impression on her and kills the potential for attraction. These mistakes are subtle and habitual so most guys don’t even realize it but the consequences are major. I want to tell you what these three attraction-killing mistakes are [Continue Reading]
How to Turn Your Awkwardness With Women Into Confidence
I will show you two simple ways to turn awkwardness and nervousness into rock-solid confidence as fast as possible. All right, let me tell you a quick story. It’s Saturday night and this guy named John is out with his buddies and they’re all laughing and having fun and he is the life of the [Continue Reading]
How to Turn A Woman On Without Touching Her
You can turn a woman on without touching her and get her hot and excited by simply using your words the right way. You see, the most powerful sexual organ every woman has is the brain. The brain holds the ultimate trigger for a woman’s desire and sex drive. By using your words and flirting [Continue Reading]
How To Talk To Women Using Conversation Threading
I made an amazing video for you that will teach you exactly how to keep the conversation going with ANY woman you talk with. I know so many of you struggle in this area. If you can watch this video and then put what you learn to practice, applI promise you will become a conversation [Continue Reading]
Older Men Dating Younger Women | Follow These Easy To Use Principles
Dating Younger Women Doesn’t Have To Be Hard If You Follow These Tips! Here’s why women keep picking jerks, douchebags, and a**holes over you and what you can do to stop it and reverse it. Have you ever had one of those lightbulbs above the head moments… Where things suddenly click into place, and you [Continue Reading]
Make Her Feel Special – How To Keep Your Woman Devoted To You
3 Steps To Make A Woman Feel Special And Keep Her Love And Devotion If you’re in a committed relationship and your relationship could use a refresh and you want to make HER feel special then keep reading… Now you may or may not know this about me but other than being an outstanding wing [Continue Reading]
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl In Public With This Simple Opener
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl In Public Using This Intuitive Opener Have you ever been to an event with a lot of people and… You have no idea how to start a conversation with a girl? You’re stuck in place as everyone around you is buzzing around, chatting it up. You’re frozen [Continue Reading]
3 Secrets To Getting Good At Talking To Women Online
Easy Exercises That Make You Better At Talking To Women Are you ready to be a conversational master with women? Especially when you’re talking to women online? If you struggle with flirting… banter… or plain talking to women, you’ll want to keep reading. First, I want to let you know that I’ve used these exercises [Continue Reading]
High Quality Women Expect You To Do This To Attract Them
How To Qualify Women To See If They Are Good Enough To Date You | Date Barometer How do you qualify high-quality women to see if they are good enough to date YOU? Here’s the question put another way, what systems do you have in place to help you decide if a woman is good [Continue Reading]