I was watching an episode of Friday Night Lights last night (yes, I know it’s no longer on, but I’m Netflix’ing and loving it). In the episode, this awesome guy was given horrible advice on how to talk to girls. Advice that literally made me gag and want to crawl through my iPad and wring [Continue Reading]
My Mexican Lover & How He Got Me
Last week I told you all about the guy who failed massively while attempting to pick me up in Mexico. If you didn’t see that post go here: ==>https://www.winggirlmethod.com/what-to-say-when-you-approach-a-girl And this week I’m going to tell you about what this one guy did to me that made me chase him and crave for him to [Continue Reading]
What To Say When You Approach A Girl
I totally forgot to tell you my pick up stories from Mexico! They were really good. So one of them is a huge success for a guy and the other was a massive failure. Which should I tell first? Let’s go with the failure. So, I’m all cutesy in my little string bikini, sitting at [Continue Reading]
When Is It Okay To Talk Dirty To A Woman?
When is it okay to talk dirty to a woman? This is an area that has been fascinating me for the past week after getting an email from one of my clients, who I will refer to as D. Email: Marni, Thanks for all your advice. I am having too much fun now. I wish [Continue Reading]
How I Flirt With Girls and How You Can Flirt With Girls
I flirt with girls and…. 1. I don’t even realize I’m doing it 2. I’m really freaking good at it I realized last night that I have been internalizing everything I’ve been teaching you, to the point where I am now awesome with ladies. I wish I was a lesbian, so I could use these [Continue Reading]
How To Guarantee You Get A Second Date With Women
Wanna know how to guarantee you get a second date with women?? Then click play and watch the video below. In it, I reveal what my friends boyfriend would say to her at the end of every date, that made her have no choice but to say YES to him. Just to reiterate what I [Continue Reading]
Marni Recommends: Top Resources For 2014
I want you to be as ready for 2014 as possible which is why I have put together a list of my top resources YOU NEED to get, to start 2014 off right! You probably see a lot of information and advice from other experts/gurus etc… out there in terms of getting girls… And sometimes [Continue Reading]
Understanding Women: Why Women Ask Men Questions and How To Answer Them Correctly
Why do women ask sooooo many damn questions?!!? – What do you do for a living? – What’s your family like? – Are you a good boy or a bad boy? – What do you think of X? – Why did your last relationship end? Annoying right? WRONG!!! Questions are actually a sign that the [Continue Reading]
Voodoo Trick That Works On Women
OMG, my husband just voodoo’d me into be excited for him to go for a boys night!!! I basically pushed him out the door and told him to. I understand that men need/want their space and that they want/need time away from their women to be masculine and recharge. BUT even though I may be [Continue Reading]
How To Ask A Woman On A Second Date: Ask Marni
Not sure if you know this or not but I am now the official dating expert for Sex.com. I’m going to be doing weekly Videos for them, called Ask Marni, where men send me in question and I answer them AND I get to keep my top on!!! Not sure if that’s a plus for [Continue Reading]