Yesterday I introduced you to The Wing Girl Method’s “indirectly direct” method for approaching women, the O.S.A. Method. If you missed the blog post then you can see Part 1 here: ==> Or here’s a quick recap: The O.S.A Method is an approach technique that allows you to quickly break into a conversation with a [Continue Reading]
O.S.A: The Idiot-Proof Method for Approaching Women [Part 1/3]
WOW… my last few newsletters about being direct with women and clearly asking for what you want were like a roller-coaster of feedback. (If you missed them I’ll be posting them on my blog shortly) Some of you were confused, some of you needed some explanation, but for those of you who got it… I’m [Continue Reading]
How To Influence Girls and Make Them Like You
The Field Guide To Building A Cult Or Connecting With Women All the way back in 1936, a book was published that would affect the future in ways the author most likely never saw coming. Warren Buffett (who’s worth $72.3 billion dollars as I write this) has a certification that he completed this book hanging [Continue Reading]
Guys Almost Never Do This (But Women LOVE it!)
“What would happen if he said THAT to you as he went in for the kiss?” I asked. “OMG… I would love that.” They said in rapid succession, bursting at the seams. I was sort of amazed at how much they were blushing and smiling, from ME (another girl!) saying these words to them. It’s [Continue Reading]
Weird “flip switch” in women’s brains that make them crave you [Part 3/3]
Over the past 2 days we’ve covered so many things: The difference between Mr. Creep and the type of guy who women find irresistible How to make your intentions known without being awkward and creepy How to set yourself apart from 99% of the guys out there How to smoothly build sexual tension to the [Continue Reading]
These Simple Words Drive her Wild [Part 2/3]
Yesterday I introduced you to Emily, our fantasy girl next door. I introduced you to Robert, the smooth operator and Mr. Creep, self explanatory – OBVIOUSLY. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t panic! See part 1 here. You’re very welcome.) Their story is fictional but I see it in reality all [Continue Reading]
Mr. Creep vs Mr. Holy S@*t [Part 1/3]
Have you ever flirted with a girl and it was just FILLED with awkward silences, weird looks and went absolutely nowhere? What’s worse is that it left you discouraged, insecure and scared to try your luck with the next girl? I’ll let you in on a little secret about that time you crashed and burned [Continue Reading]
Why Being Nice To Women Doesn’t Work
Stop being NICE to women. Seriously. Stop being NICE to women… At least if your definition of being “nice” means being complacent, agreeing with whatever she says, NOT speaking your mind to avoid ruffling feathers and potentially losing attraction. If that is your definition of what being NICE to a woman means, then STOP RIGHT [Continue Reading]
How To Turn Around Rejection With Women
I just got an awesome email from one my clients with an example of what to say to a woman, when she has rejected you online. You definitely want to try this on the next woman who rejects you (hopefully with my help that never happens, but just in case). You can use a variation [Continue Reading]
Why Women Test You
[Video Below] Why does it always seem like women are putting you through a mental and emotional obstacle course when they’re getting to know you?? Offering up “tests” and constantly grading you to see if you pass? And if you say or do the wrong thing… We make it seem like you’ve totally blown it? [Continue Reading]