There is nothing better than a guy who can tell a good story. Telling a good story is a skill. A skill that EVERYONE appreciates, not just women. I stumbled upon this video from a TED Talk about how to be a good storyteller. Watch the video and then practice what he talks about when [Continue Reading]
Why Girls Pull Away From You and How To Keep Women Hooked On You
By far the most common questions I see among all my clients and readers are about how to get women to like them. And that makes sense. Obviously you have to get us interested in you in the first place before we’re going to date or have sex with you. But that’s only the first [Continue Reading]
3 Steps to Approaching A Group of Girls
I was at a restaurant type of lounge last night with a few of my girlfriends having dinner… And as usual I couldn’t help but watch some of the interactions going on between the men and women. There was this one group of maybe 5 very attractive girls that every group of guys had their [Continue Reading]
#1 Mistake Men Make When Flirting With Women (Not Listening)
I wanted to share a recent email exchange I had with an email coaching client of mine. He has given me permission to share this exchange with you as he knows it will be a helpful lesson to you 🙂 I’m going to call this guy Bob and I’m going to show you an exchange [Continue Reading]
How To Ask A Woman Out On A Date – The Correct Way
Just a quickie cause it’s Friday. Wanted to show you this video clip from possibly the WORST movie ever made… BUT it’s a solid scene that gives examples of how to ask a woman out on a date. I agree with it and LOVE it. Watch and let me know what you think. Tell me [Continue Reading]
How Women Define “A Man With Charisma” and Why It’s So Attractive
“The reason we’re successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course.” – Freddie Mercury, Queen. There’s nothing quite so universally attractive as a man with charisma. A man who can walk into a room and command attention by his sheer presence alone. As women we feel an automatic pull to men who exhibit this incredibly attractive [Continue Reading]
Why Being TOO Mysterious Turns Women Off
Thanks to certain pickup artists who shall remain unnamed (*cough cough*) a lot of men seem to have the idea that being a mystery is the way into a woman’s heart… or at the very least, her pants. However, we women won’t be giving you access to either if you apply this technique the way [Continue Reading]
What To Say AFTER Your Opening Line…
I rarely post articles from other people, especially from other men BUT I thought you would really get value of what this guy has to say. The guy I’m about to introduce you to and I, DO NOT see eye to eye on many things when it comes to attraction and interacting with women…. BUT [Continue Reading]
Conversation Threading: Tool For Keeping Conversation Going
Not sure how to talk to women? Read on to find to discover an awesome tool I call conversation threading. It will help you easily talk to women and have conversation flowing easily, naturally and effortlessly. Question from Bill: “Marni, after watching your O.S.A video I have become a master at starting conversations with women. [Continue Reading]
Can you spot what this guy did wrong? (Part 2) The Answer
The other day I sent you an email asking you if you could spot the HUGE and common mistake that my email coaching client had made on a recent date. In case you missed that email you can see the blog version of it here: Just want to be sure you are up to [Continue Reading]