If we’ve known each other for a while, you may be surprised to hear this BUT… …I’ve been having a long-time love affair. Before you get your boxers in a twist, just hold on a sec. It’s not what you might think… I’m madly, deeply in love with Paris. Not because it’s the so-called, “most [Continue Reading]
Do You Wanna Be More Than “Just Friends”?
Women can be freaking tough to read… Do they want to be friends? Do they want to be MORE???? This is one of the most annoying and frustrating things you have to face with women and I totally get it. But I wanted to share with you an easy way to decipher what the hell [Continue Reading]
10 Questions That Make You Stand Out To Any Woman
“What do you do?” “Where are you from?” “What’s your star sign?” Ugh. Every time a guy asks me one of these questions I want to shoot myself. And it’s the same for all women. It’s like the dating equivalent of Groundhog Day… we meet different guys but the conversation is exactly the same over [Continue Reading]
Example of How To Flirt With Women Even If You Are Shy, Not A 10 and Short
I finally found it!!!!! Well, one of my clients did. If you recall, a few months ago I emailed you about this great scene in Woody Allen’s New Movie Cafe Society, that was an awesome example of how to flirt with women. At the time, I could not find it online but desperately wanted you [Continue Reading]
11 Ways To Screw Up A Date
A lot of guys think once they’ve got a girl out on a date, all the hard work is done. That things will just magically work out all by themselves until we end up back in his bed. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is NOT how it works. “The [Continue Reading]
How To Be Attractive To Women Even If You Are Not Good Looking
Did I tell you I bought a house?? Well, I did and I’m super excited about it slash scared out of my mind. It needs a full renovation and it’s going to take a about a year to build it… But I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my construction loans and mortgage fees…. [Continue Reading]
Library of Awesome Texts To Send Her
A lot of people LOVED the video I sent the other day about the major texting mistake that kills attraction. It made me realize that what to text, when to text, how to text… are all huge questions for so many men. WHY? Because nobody seems to connect through real human interactions anymore. The modern [Continue Reading]
Real Life Example: How To Escalate over Text
Finally, I have an amazing, real life example of how to escalate over text messages!!! A little back story. One of my favorite clients wrote me, asking what I thought of a recent email exchange he had with a woman he just met. Truthfully, I think he was writing just to brag or show off [Continue Reading]
A Texting Mistake That Kills Attraction
Texting is an incredibly powerful weapon. Use it wisely, and you’ll keep yourself in our minds and have us counting down the time until we can see you again. Use it poorly, and you’ll leave us questioning whether we’d be better of giving up on men and dating women instead. And while the subject of [Continue Reading]
Effortless Approach O.S.A : A Tool That Helps You Start Conversations With Women
Have you ever heard me talk about O.S.A before? I mention it constantly on The Ask Women Podcast and most of my programs discuss it in full length. O.S.A is The Wing Girl Method’s, method for starting conversations with women. It’s a tool I created about 7 years ago that has helped 10’s of 1000’s [Continue Reading]