Your emotions may be doing more harm than good when it comes to women. You may seem cold or uninterested and this is turning women away. If you think women are not interested in you or are blowing you off , you are doing the most harm to yourself. You need to think good thoughts [Continue Reading]
Is It Rude To Approach Women?
These days, even approaching a woman can feel like entering a minefield. If you go up and talk to her, will she think you’re a freak? Will she roll her eyes and groan inwardly? Read on and let me blow that entire mindset out of the water! Do you ever see a woman you’d love [Continue Reading]
What Does It Mean When She Ignores You?
Why does a woman go from acting friendly with you, to completely ignoring you in person and over text? Odds are, you misread her signals. Women communicate a lot with body language and non-verbal cues. Learn what to look for so you know whether or not to ask her out, and how to handle her [Continue Reading]
What She Really Means When She Says THIS
Can You Take A Hint? If not, you need to learn. Women use a ton of subtext to communicate to a guy wether they’re into him or not. If you can learn the “secret” language of women, you can stop wasting your time trying to CONVINCE them to be attracted to you, and start utilizing [Continue Reading]
Why women talk about this ex & What To Do About It
Have you ever been hanging out with a girl… even one you are not dating, but hoping to one day date… and she brings up her ex?? And you wonder to yourself “why the hell is she bringing up another dude?” Well, you are not alone. I got an email yesterday from Brian asking me [Continue Reading]
#1 Mistake Men Make When Flirting With Women (Not Listening)
I wanted to share a recent email exchange I had with an email coaching client of mine. He has given me permission to share this exchange with you as he knows it will be a helpful lesson to you 🙂 I’m going to call this guy Bob and I’m going to show you an exchange [Continue Reading]
Like Google Translate For Getting Girls
Ever been overseas to a country where you don’t speak the language? It can seem next to impossible to communicate with anyone. Which makes even simple things 10 times harder than normal. You’re asking someone where the train station is, and they’re giving you directions to the nearby Starbucks!! Ah, maybe that’s just part of [Continue Reading]
What Women Say When Men Aren’t Around
What a BITCH!!! Is exactly what I’m guessing you’ll think about me once you read this blog… BTW – I’m still in freezing cold (and now snowy) Chicago for the holidays. Which means I am stuck in doors because I am a Los Angeles wimp 🙂 Last night I totally thought of you. I was [Continue Reading]
Ask Women Podcast Episode 111: Misconceptions Women Have About Men That Are Ruining Your Dating Life
I’ve heard this statement time and time again: “Women have it sooooo much easier. They just have to walk into a room and pick the guy they want.” But is that really true?? Is it REALLY easier for women to date and have sex than it is for men? Listen to this week’s episode of [Continue Reading]
Why Women Test You
[Video Below] Why does it always seem like women are putting you through a mental and emotional obstacle course when they’re getting to know you?? Offering up “tests” and constantly grading you to see if you pass? And if you say or do the wrong thing… We make it seem like you’ve totally blown it? [Continue Reading]