In order to attract a woman, you want to form an emotional connection with her. But you also want to make sure she knows you’re not a pushover. Striking this balance can get really tricky really fast: You don’t want to go overboard and offend her, but you also don’t want to just agree with [Continue Reading]
Can You Really Get Your Ex Back?
Going through a break-up is so tough. Especially when you still have feelings for that person, and maybe even want them back. Sometimes, there’s no chance of that happening. It ended for a reason and that will never change. But sometimes there is a chance. You just have to make a few things happen before [Continue Reading]
Don’t Ask Women THESE Questions
There is something I see men do all the time that totally kills their chances with women. It’s something that immediately takes their power away and makes them appear less desirable in her eyes… And it has to do with asking questions. Let me show you what I mean: Do you know what one of [Continue Reading]
Are You Getting Played By Women?
One question men often ask me is how to know if a woman is “playing him” or not. Now this could mean financially, emotionally, or anything else where she’s taking advantage of you. And while I won’t say women NEVER play men (because they do — and I’ll share a story on this later in [Continue Reading]
Do You Ever Feel Like You’re Putting In More Effort Than Women?
Does it ever seem to you like men are the ones who have to put in all the effort to attract and get the women they want, while the women seem to just sit back and pick their eligible suitors? It can be frustrating, I know. Let me explain to you why this is NOT [Continue Reading]
What This Movie Can Teach You About Women
A lot of guys ruin their chances with women by having “multiple personality disorder”… They learn all these “tricks” and “moves” from pick-up artists which makes them act completely fake, and never actually shows the woman who they really are. Let me explain how to stop hiding behind these fake personas and bring out the [Continue Reading]
Should You Be Open And Honest With Women?
Just how honest should you be with a woman you just started dating? You don’t want to reveal too little, because you run the risk of her not being able to emotionally connect with you. But if you go into TMI territory, you could scare her off by telling her things about yourself that are [Continue Reading]
The #1 Reason Guys Don’t Get Results With Women
Do you know what the most common thread is between the men I coach on attracting and dating women? They all say they’re too “blank” to get a girl. Too fat, too old, too poor, too WHATEVER for any of my proven techniques to work for them. Let me tell you why that is absolutely [Continue Reading]
When You SHOULDN’T Ask Her Out
Timing is everything, guys… especially when asking out a woman. Let me tell you what “too soon” and “too late” REALLY means, and how you can successfully hit the sweet spot right in between… One of the biggest mistakes guys make with women is not asking us out when there’s an open window to do [Continue Reading]
What She Really Means When She Says THIS
Can You Take A Hint? If not, you need to learn. Women use a ton of subtext to communicate to a guy wether they’re into him or not. If you can learn the “secret” language of women, you can stop wasting your time trying to CONVINCE them to be attracted to you, and start utilizing [Continue Reading]