This is going to sound counter-intuitive to a lot of guys, but here’s the truth: “Friend-zoning” a woman can have HUGE benefits that will help you attract even more women. Read this to learn the THREE HUGE ADVANTAGES to this approach! I told you about how to make the switch from trying to “get” something [Continue Reading]
What Do Bad Boys Know That You Don’t?
Have you ever noticed how ‘bad boys’ tend to get lots of attention to women and nice guys don’t? Here is the ONE REASON why that’s true, and how you can use it to your advantage without being a total jerk. You’ve probably heard the phrase, opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one. But here’s [Continue Reading]
Five Signs That You’re Unapproachable
Here’s the simple truth. If you’re not projecting an air of approachability, you’re going to fail with women. Unfortunately, most women view a majority of men as being absolutely unapproachable. Read on and I’ll tell you the five biggest reasons why! If there’s one thing 99% of guys would love, it’d be for more women [Continue Reading]
Avoid The Mind Killer
Want to instantly improve your chances of attracting exactly the kinds of women you’re interested in? Who doesn’t!? In this article, I’ll share three DEAD SIMPLE mental exercises that will help put you in the right frame of mind for success. You won’t believe how effective this is! There’s one thing that nearly all guys [Continue Reading]
Are you intimidating her?
Is she not engaging because she’s not interested, or is she interested but a little intimidated by you? There’s a HUGE difference here! Read on and I’ll share with you FIVE SIMPLE ‘TELLS’ that will let you know for sure, then tell you what you can do to put her more at ease! It’s no [Continue Reading]
Social Circle
Your approach to dating could be KILLING your chances of success. Fortunately, the ONE THING most guys get wrong is something that’s super easy to correct. Read this to instantly double or triple your chances of success, starting TONIGHT! This simple trick changes the game, tilting the odds in your favor. I want to share [Continue Reading]
Does She Think You’re Gay?
This is a HUGE problem and a nasty trap many guys fall into. If the women you’re interested in think you’re gay, it’s a sure sign that there’s a problem with your approach. Read on, and I will tell you how to avoid falling into that trap ever again! I was recently talking with a [Continue Reading]
Do THIS When She Says “No Sex Tonight”
How many times have things started off well with a woman you’re talking to, and then, later in the evening you get shut down with the dreaded “Not having sex with you tonight” comment? Read on and I’ll show you EXACTLY how to deal with that! You ever met a woman… flirted for a few [Continue Reading]
How To Be Interesting To Women
Do you ever feel like you don’t know what to say or do to make a woman take notice of you? That you’re putting her to sleep when you try to strike up a conversation? If you’re totally in the dark about why this is happening and how to make it stop, look no further. [Continue Reading]
How Ariana Grande Can Help Your Love Life
There is yet another new dating term that has gone viral across social media. This time it’s “Grande-ing”, coined after the singer Ariana Grande. What exactly is Grande-ing? It’s when you handle a breakup with someone with maturity and focus on the positives from your experience with them. And it’s named after Grande because of [Continue Reading]