James Bond himself is not the best looking man in the room. It is his attitude that make him the best seducer out there. A man can now learn how to conduct himself in the same manner as James Bond and he will be smooth in any social situation. Today, I’m going to take one [Continue Reading]
Some people have charisma and they take over the room when they walk in. there are some opening lines that you can learn and you can even learn the right way to walk into the room that will get the attention of anyone there. There are some secrets to developing charisma if you do not [Continue Reading]
I’m not done teasing you…
Women love it when a man leads the way. He is the one that sets up the line and then asks a woman what she likes and seals the date. These lines will help get her attention and then make a date. There are secrets to help a man learn how to get her attention [Continue Reading]
Announcing my brand new program!
The good news is the creation of a new visualization program that is designed to help you make better more confident contact with women. The program follows the structure of other visualization programs used by different industries to create success. It gives you a better way to meet women without having to get drunk. Do [Continue Reading]
This question made me FURIOUS (real)
A case study reveals that the reality of relationships are not as I said. Then I turn the question around and ask my own question. I’ll ask what type of man you want to be and if you answer correctly, you are invited to join my program to better at attracting women. Hey, I’m coming [Continue Reading]
CRITICAL skill (do this NOW)
This program is designed to help men see what they are doing wrong and gives them pointers on how to be better. It also points out that the toxic thinking men do to themselves is what undermines men’s feminine encounters. Hey you! Listen: I’ve coached THOUSANDS of men in dating and seduction. That’s right. Thousands. [Continue Reading]
Get 300 percent more attractive while stuck at home
Find a new strategy to help you meet and spend time with those attractive women you have had your eye on. The key is not working out and making your body into an athletic adonis. Instead you use your mind and the Neuro-Linguistic Programming of your subconscious mind. Basically you are spending your lock down [Continue Reading]
BIGGEST mistake you’re making (check this now)
Besides giving out tips on what women are looking for in a man, you also learn about a training program to help men become those men women want to be with. There is a link to an off page site that is set up to help you develop yourself in the right areas of life. [Continue Reading]
CRITICAL skill (do this NOW)
This program is designed to help men see what they are doing wrong and gives them pointers on how to be better. It also points out that the toxic thinking men do to themselves is what undermines men’s feminine encounters. Listen, I’ve coached THOUSANDS of men in dating and seduction. That’s right. Thousands. Let me [Continue Reading]
BIGGEST mistake you’re making (check this now)
Besides giving out tips on what women are looking for in a man, you also learn about a training program to help men become those men women want to be with. There is a link to an off page site that is set up to help you develop yourself in the right areas of life. [Continue Reading]