I just heard the best line to use if you get stood up! After getting stood, up text her this: “the drink/coffee was good but the conversation was a bit awkward”. I just thought this was adorable and strong and witty. It’s a great way to send a message to a woman that: 1. You [Continue Reading]
How To Build Sexual Tension And Excitement From The Get-Go
I’ve been getting a ton of emails from guys asking about how to build sexual tension and create excitement in their approaches and interactions. I can tell you first-hand, that this is one of the most important elements when interacting with women you want. If you can’t build tension there is no “spark” and therefore [Continue Reading]
5 Signs She Wants You To Approach Her
What are the signs she wants to be approached? One of the biggest challenges I see in my line of work is men like you, being super confused by the signs women give them. Does that smile mean she wants me to approach her, does it mean she’s just being polite or does it just [Continue Reading]
Flirty or Friendly: How to Tell if Your Coworker Wants You or Just Wants to be Your Friend
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been hanging out with a girl, you like her, and you think she likes you. Then one day you make a move and she tells you she views your relationship as a friendly rather than romantic one. You’re blindsided! Your ego is bruised! You wonder how you [Continue Reading]
How To Tell If She’s Flirting With You or Just Being Friendly
Is she flirting or is she just being friendly? Sometimes it’s really hard to tell and in today’s climate you DO NOT want to misread signals. Let me take a step back for a second…. Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been hanging out with a girl, you like her, and you think she [Continue Reading]
Obvious Signs A Shy Girl Wants You To Kiss Her Based On Her Body Language
The setting is perfect, you’ve laughed and talked, maybe had a few drinks and some good food. Everything is mellow and romantic. You lean in, you show your interest as a man, after reading her many signs she wants to be kissed. Further. Further. And your lips meet—air? Or slightly better, the smooth cheek of [Continue Reading]
#1 Turn On For Women: Leave Her Wanting More
Cling wrap is only for wrapping up leftovers and is not to be used as a tactic for getting and attracting women. Here’s a lesson on how to always leave her wanting more. The other night I went out with Kristen and a couple of my Wing Girls. As you know these girls are all [Continue Reading]
How To Approach Women At The Gym
This video tells you exactly what signs to look for when debating whether or not to approach her at the gym. Here’s how to approach women at the gym: Women DO want to be approached at the gym. Even if they tell you to your face they don’t. Women want to be approach EVERYWHERE and [Continue Reading]
Do Women Only Want Good Looking Guys? Do Looks Matter To Women?
One of my readers recently wrote in asking for my thoughts about an article he came across. It was a Tinder case study done by a guy who set up a fake profile using pictures of a male model. He wanted to see how many matches he’d get and how sexually direct he could get [Continue Reading]
What Lesbians Know About Attracting Women That Most Men Don’t
Lesbians. Just the thought of two women together seems to make the average man more excited than a 5-year-old on Christmas eve. Yet if guys spent more time watching them in the real world, rather than just in porn clips, they might actually learn something useful. How so, you ask? Check out this video I [Continue Reading]