If you’re like most guys, you’re busy. You lead a full, active life. It can feel as though you just don’t have TIME to meet women. Click this link to learn how you fix that. Flirt smarter, not harder! One excuse I hear from guys a lot is they don’t have the time to meet [Continue Reading]
Single And Over 40?
If you’re a single man and you’re over 40, you’re probably relying on your maturity and life experiences to interest women. And it’s probably not working, or at least not as well as you’d like. THIS works better. Check it out. Have you ever had one of those lightbulb above the head moments… Where things [Continue Reading]
Escalate Or Be Friend Zoned Forever
Escalating an interaction with a woman is terrifying these days. You don’t want to come off as creepy or worse, be accused of sexual assault, which is why so many men struggle with intent. READ THIS to discover where you’re going wrong! Recently I asked all of my readers what their biggest challenges with women [Continue Reading]
The Ultimate Cure For Approach Anxiety
Approach anxiety can kill your chances with a woman before you even start, and it’s something that a LOT of guys suffer from. If you sometimes don’t feel confident enough to even approach a woman, read THIS. It’s the ultimate cure for approach anxiety. Game changing! If there were a way you could remove approach [Continue Reading]
Are you doing this?
There are lots of different ways you can sabotage your chances with a woman you’re interested in, but THIS is the #1 relationship killer out there. Read this to dramatically improve your odds TODAY! Why Guys Like THIS Never Get The Girl Do you ever feel like fear and hesitation are holding you back with [Continue Reading]
Are You ‘Kittenfishing’ Women?
Most people have heard the term ‘catfishing’ but fewer have heard the term ‘kitten fishing.’ If you’reusing one or more online dating sites, you may be doing it without even realizing it. READ THIS to learn what not to do and improve your odds with the women you contact online If you’ve done any kind [Continue Reading]
NEVER Do This On A First Date
THIS is the dating horror story to end all horror stories. It’s also very instructive and worth the read because it speaks to the mindset you want to adopt when dating. Read THIS and prepare to have your eyes opened. I wanted to share this story with you that I think you’ll find amusing — [Continue Reading]
It’s Not The Words The Matter
You may have read that there are power words and phrases that will instantly spark attraction in women. That’s only partly true, and in this article, I’m going to give you something even more powerful.READ THIS if you want to attract women consistently. One question I get on an almost daily basis is about what [Continue Reading]
How NOT To Handle Rejection
No matter how charming you are, you’re GOING to get rejected by some women. How you handle it will have ripple effects that can sabotage your chances with other women. Learning to handle rejection well is key. READ THIS to learn the do’s and don’ts! If you’ve ever been rejected by a woman before (and [Continue Reading]
Five Surefire Tips To Make Dating Easier
The dating game is fraught with all sorts of pitfalls and uncertainties, but if you do it right, it can be as easy and natural as breathing. Want a leg up in the game? These FIVE TIPS will change your life. Do you ever feel like dating is way harder than it should be? If [Continue Reading]