Attraction is different for women then it is for men. Men look at the physical aspects and women want something more. Women are more fluid and they want do not need a man. Sometimes they may want to take a break and women are going to need some space. You may know by now that [Continue Reading]
Sent To Prison For Touching A Girl? Arrested For Approaching A Girl?
Some men are afraid to touch women. There have been news stories of men getting arrested. A man does not need to have social anxiety. He needs to learn how to respect the boundaries of women and pick up on cues if she wants to be touched by a guy. One of the biggest fears [Continue Reading]
3 Signs You’re Coming On Too Strong. Stop Making THIS Mistake With Women.
If a man comes on too strong he may frighten a woman off. He should give her some space and allow her to be her own person. He can be friends with her on social media but he should not be focused on everything she does and getting worked up over nothing. That is a [Continue Reading]
Do You Know How To Tease A Woman (Without Being Rude?)
If you’ve dated even a little, then you already know how powerful teasing can be. Unfortunately, many men do it wrong and it comes off as being rude. Learn how to tease the RIGHT way! It’s no secret that teasing women is a powerful way to create attraction. When done right, it’s one of the [Continue Reading]
The Me Too Problem that will kill your chances with women
You’ve probably heard of the #MeTooMovement. This isn’t that, AT ALL. It’s a very different kind of“me too” problem that you might be suffering from right now. Today I want to tell you about the Me Too problem that kills your chances with women. And I’m NOT about the #MeToo movement related to being sexually [Continue Reading]
How Your Dating Live Will Survive COVID-19: 5 Reasons Corona Could Be GOOD For Your Dating Life
I know what you’re about to say “Marni how the HELL is dating going to be better now that we can’t go out of our freaking homes and date?” The truth is that this corona virus is having impact on all of our lives but it’s also having a massive impact on how we connect, [Continue Reading]
Direct Or Indirect Approach, which is better
If you ask professional dating coaches, many of them have strong opinions about which of these is better. The truth is that both CAN work. Here’s the thing you need to focus on instead…. It’s a question I get asked almost every day: Should I be direct or indirect when approaching women? A lot of [Continue Reading]
What You Need To Know About Facebook Dating
Facebook dating is now a “thing.” Learn everything you need to know about it and how it changes the game! You’ve probably heard that Facebook Dating is now a thing. And some people have been asking me how this is going to change dating. First, let me give you a super quick overview of how [Continue Reading]
Are You Making These 3 Flirting Mistakes
You could be killing your chances with women by making these THREE fatal flirting mistakes. Read and learn what NOT to do! (You can thank me later!) I’m sure you know by now how important flirting is for attracting women. When done right, it’s one of the most effective ways to make us want you. [Continue Reading]
The Secrets Of Approaching Women REVEALED
Look guys, dating is hard and it can be terrifying. It gets a lot easier though, with expert help and advice. Have you ever jumped out of a plane at 15 000 feet? For most people, this would be absolutely terrifying. But for my friend Joe, he can’t get enough of it. Last Saturday we [Continue Reading]