Next time you approach a woman, think to yourself, do I actually like her? A lot of men forget about this and get caught up in the success of the pick up rather than the quality.
Do You Know These 13 Signs She’s Flirting With You?
Do You Know These 10 Signs She’s Flirting With You? Want to know what signs women give to let you know they are interested? Marni of The Wing Girl Method will tell you exactly what to look for to guarantee success with women.
The Secret To Avoiding The Friend Zone With Women
Why oh why do you keep ending up in the friend zone? I am sure this is a question you are constantly asking yourself. Let me try to explain why this keeps happening to you by using an everyday example so that it may be easier for you to understand. My friend is having a [Continue Reading]
How Sexy It Is To Be Direct With Women
I want to show you an example of how sexy it is to women when a man is direct. I recently saw the move Vicki Christina Barcelona, staring Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and Javier Bardem. The movie is about 2 women who go traveling for the summer to explore new things and find themselves. During [Continue Reading]
Should Men Buy Women Drinks?
Should you buy a woman a drink? Depends. First ask yourself a few questions: Are you buying this drink to be a gentleman? Are you buying this drink cause it’s polite? Are you buying this drink so that she won’t run away? Are you buying this drink so she’ll like you? If you answered YES [Continue Reading]
9 Tips For Approaching Women
TIPS FOR ATTRACTING WOMEN THAT EVERY MAN MUST KNOW: 1. Do not linger and stare – Women are always aware of the “lurkers”. We can see you and feel you. The longer you stare the lower your chances are of having a successful approach. 2. Do not be afraid of rejection – What is rejection [Continue Reading]