Rejection sucks. It does. It sucks for men. It sucks for women (yes women get rejected too). Overall it sucks. BUT, it sucks less when you experience it more. Honestly, I know that seems counter intuitive but it’s true. I know from my own personal experience, that the more I put myself out there and [Continue Reading]
Marni on CP24 Toronto Explains How To Approach Women
Did you know that hosts of morning shows get up at 3am?? Insane right? Well I got my first lesson in morning show wake up calls this week doing CP24 morning show in Toronto. I had been quite ill the day before with the flu and was not feeling better when I got to the [Continue Reading]
What is Chemistry & How Do You Create Chemistry With Women?
Just read a great article on the dating site How About We, on defining that “Chemistry” people want to feel when they meet some. Very interesting. Whole article is pasted below Just What The Heck is Chemistry? (Hint: It’s Not What You Think) by Kayt Sukel on December 6, 2011 Kayt Sukel is the author [Continue Reading]
Why Pick Up Artists Give Bad Advice
Ugh!!! Here is why pick up artists give bad advice to men. Just when I think I have taken men two steps forward, I get emails like the one below. Emails from guys telling me they have stumbled upon Pick Up Artist materials or advice from a “reputable resource” that their friends have turned them [Continue Reading]
How To Pick Up A Waitress – Flirting With Women
She greets you with a huge smile and a wink every week. Only problem is, it’s when you’re ordering your morning coffee. I get tons of emails from guys just like you asking if it is possible to flirt with a girl while she’s at work. Even if you’re normally great at flirting with women, [Continue Reading]
How To Show Confident Body Language When Approaching A Woman Part 2
Last week I sent out an article on how to show confident body language with women. Tons of guys wrote in saying they loved the article and were thankful that I put it up there. Didn’t realize this topic was in such high demand! I had one of my past clients, Alastair write in and [Continue Reading]
Marni on MTV Canada – 3 Tips For Approaching Women
Marni talks to MTV and explains to them what women really want from men! No PUA garbage. Marni teaches men how to be real men, human and awesome!
Quick Guide To Body Language
Found this great quick start guide to body language by Alex Rudloff that I know will be very useful to you for 2 reasons: 1. It will help you read signals from women by recognizing what their bodies are saying to you with saying a word. 2. The 7 tips for improving your body language [Continue Reading]
3 Tips For Halloween Hook Ups & Cuffing Season
The candy bowls are out, the girls are wearing mini dresses and you’re about to party all weekend dressed as Charlie Sheen. Halloween is here, and it’s probably the last big, sexy party before ‘cuffing season‘ truly kicks off. So how do you ensure that you hook up with the cute girl dressed as Morticia: [Continue Reading]
How To Smile At A Woman – First Step To Being Attractive
Learn the first step to being attractive to women! NOTE: Want to know what your smile says about you? Get my smile and Are You Attractive To Women assessment. Click Here to get it now and within 24 hours I’ll tell you exactly how you come across to women. The first step to being attractive [Continue Reading]