I’ve got another challenge for you to accept and do by the end of the weekend. It’s a simple trick to catch her attention! Even though I’m not into tricks, this one is okay 😉 The challenge is called, Nickname it! I came up with this challenge when I was at Whole Foods this morning [Continue Reading]
Your Weekend Dare: Get Your Own Wing Girl
Last week’s dare went so well that I thought I would give you another one to use tonight! For this one, you must be out of your house and somewhere social. So if you don’t have plans for this weekend, GET SOME 😉 You’re not going to meet women sitting on your couch now are [Continue Reading]
Approach Anxiety Double Dare
I double dare you to approach that ONE girl that you have been wanting to approach but keep putting it off. I can literally feel your stomach muscles tighten from reading that, Ha. But take that as a good sign because it means you’re anticipating doing it which makes me a very happy woman!! You [Continue Reading]
How To Notice The Signs She’s Into You
Do you have trouble with noticing the signs she’s into you?? Apparently this is a big problem for a lot of men. One that can be easily fixed with a little direction from me 😉 What I think is actually going on when you don’t “notice the signs she’s into you” is that you are [Continue Reading]
#1 Mistake Men Make When Approaching Women & The Correct Way To Approach and Start Talking To Women
Not sure if you knew this or not but for the past 10 days I was in Europe. First the amazing Paris, then breathtaking Florence. I was there for a little R&R as well as some coaching. I have to say that on this trip I had one huge myth crushed for me. The myth [Continue Reading]
How To Make Women Do Anything You Want
I’m about to gift you a freakin’ amazing tool, but I want to be sure you use it for good and not for evil. If you can make me that promise, then watch the video below. IF you don’t think you are ready to handle this type of power and could potentially use it with [Continue Reading]
Do You Have Approach Anxiety?? Here’s How To Get Over Approach Anxiety With Women
Do you have approach anxiety??? Well, guess what? So does 85% of the population, so you, my friend, are not alone. Approach anxiety is really just anxiety of the unknown. Fears of what COULD happen and our attempts to always control an outcome. I want to tell you something. You will NEVER be able to [Continue Reading]
How To Be A Badass and Get What You Want With Women
Today I got sent the best email from one of The Wing Girl Method members and I HAD to share with you. He sent me a video of, what I think, all women crave. A man who goes after what he wants!!!! It’s a 45 second video, that should hopefully clear up this Nice Guy [Continue Reading]
How To Talk To Women Using OSA
The hardest part of approaching women (at least for most of the men I work with) is figuring out what to say and how to talk to women. Over the years, I have developed my own method for conversation called OSA which is really easy to use and authentic once you get the hang of [Continue Reading]
What To Do When A Woman Tests You At A Bar
A couple of weeks ago I sent you a video clip from my new guilty pleasure, Dawson’s Creek, showing you how to pass a woman’s “tests” if you are in a relationship. This week, I had a goal to find a clip that could show you how to handle “tests” or “bitch shields” if you [Continue Reading]