NOTE: Labor Day Sale Starts Now. Enter Coupon Code: 50offdeal. And get 50% off everything on this site!!! ***** Labor Day weekend’s coming up, which means summer’s almost over… 🙁 Which is somewhat good cause I’m in NYC and sweating my “balls” off, Ha. It’s so damn hot! Something happened to me earlier today and [Continue Reading]
How To Ask A Woman On A Second Date: Ask Marni
Not sure if you know this or not but I am now the official dating expert for I’m going to be doing weekly Videos for them, called Ask Marni, where men send me in question and I answer them AND I get to keep my top on!!! Not sure if that’s a plus for [Continue Reading]
When To Ask A Woman Out & How To Avoid Being Cock Blocked
Did you know that I used to have extremely low confidence and would second guess EVERY action I made? NO? Well, I did. Not only did I have low confidence, social anxiety and a huge fear of speaking my mind. I also had a HUGE problem asking for what I wanted. I was so afraid [Continue Reading]
How Good Are You With Women? Simple Checklist To Discover Your GAME LEVEL
Want to know how good you are with women? I had a member of The Wing Girl Method write into me the other day and ask “Marni, Do you have a big checklist to see our level of where we’re at with women?” and I said “OMG, no I don’t but I will totally make [Continue Reading]
The Difference Between Being Introverted and Being Shy
Tons of people believe that being introverted is the exact same thing as being shy. These people tend to blame their introversion for the reason they are not meeting women, getting dates or progressing in their success with women. I’m going to break all these introverts beliefs in about 30 seconds by revealing to them [Continue Reading]
Episode 4: Ask Women Podcast
Episode 4 of the Ask Women Podcast is up and ready for download!!! Go here to get it now: ==> OMG, last night was amazing. The girls and I co-hosted Loveline with Dr. Drew and it was such a blast. If you don’t already know, Loveline is an American radio “institution” and has been for [Continue Reading]
Ask Women Podcast Episode #1: How To Read Her Signs
My new podcast Ask Women is now ready for you to download. Go here to get it now: I am so excited for you to hear it and to give feedback on it. I have to be honest with you. This new experience has been a little uncomfortable for me and has brought out [Continue Reading]
When Should You Approach A Woman? Marni’s Mailbag
Hey! I’ve been getting floods of emails from guys who’ve been asking GREAT questions that I think you’d love to hear for yourself. And it seems I get the most over the weekend come Monday lol… Sooooo…. I decided to send you the best questions and success stories every Monday and call it “Marni’s Mailbag” [Continue Reading]
[VIDEO] How To Flirt and Banter With Women
Video below shows an awesome example of how to flirt and banter with women. But first read about my night last night… So the other night out at a lounge, my friends Mike, Eric, and I were sitting down in a moderately busy lounge when we noticed a tall, lean, Angelina Jolie look-alike stroll into [Continue Reading]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ask Women Podcast Starts Next Week
I have some really big news!!! Big news that I may have mentioned to you before but now it’s actually happening. I am finally doing a Podcast and I am so excited about it. Me and 3 other amazing, intelligent SUPER HOT women, are going to be doing a weekly FREE podcast called Ask Women. [Continue Reading]