I was at a restaurant type of lounge last night with a few of my girlfriends having dinner… And as usual I couldn’t help but watch some of the interactions going on between the men and women. There was this one group of maybe 5 very attractive girls that every group of guys had their [Continue Reading]
Great Opener To Say To Women
Are you calling me FAT??? In a few seconds I’ll explain why that sentence totally caught my attention and is a great opening line. So here’s what happened. I was out for a walk and decided to go to Trader Joes to get a little food shop on. I ended up getting a big food [Continue Reading]
Exercise: How To Ask A Woman Out
My sister is visiting me this weekend and last night we had a WILD girls night. Like the first year of college wild. So wild you wouldn’t believe!!! Wanna know what we did? We stayed in and watched that life of Walter Mitty movie with Ben Stiller 😉 I know, we’re boring. But at least [Continue Reading]
NEVER Talk To Women Like This Or They Will Clock You
I was watching an episode of Friday Night Lights last night (yes, I know it’s no longer on, but I’m Netflix’ing and loving it). In the episode, this awesome guy was given horrible advice on how to talk to girls. Advice that literally made me gag and want to crawl through my iPad and wring [Continue Reading]
My Mexican Lover & How He Got Me
Last week I told you all about the guy who failed massively while attempting to pick me up in Mexico. If you didn’t see that post go here: ==>https://www.winggirlmethod.com/what-to-say-when-you-approach-a-girl And this week I’m going to tell you about what this one guy did to me that made me chase him and crave for him to [Continue Reading]
What To Say When You Approach A Girl
I totally forgot to tell you my pick up stories from Mexico! They were really good. So one of them is a huge success for a guy and the other was a massive failure. Which should I tell first? Let’s go with the failure. So, I’m all cutesy in my little string bikini, sitting at [Continue Reading]
Advanced Training: How To Attract Women
At this point, you may not have a problem approaching women, getting a GREAT conversation going… and getting more numbers and dates than the average guy 😉 And if that’s the case… NEWSFLASH: You are NO LONGER a beginner in dating! In fact, you’re MUCH MORE advanced than any other guy you’d come across on the [Continue Reading]
VIDEO: When Should I Approach Women and How Should I Approach Women????
One of the biggest questions that I get asked on a weekly basis is “Marni, WHEN should I approach women???” Seems that many men are confused as to the “right” time to approach so that they can guarantee a successful approach. Sorry to say but there is never going to be a time where you [Continue Reading]
Marni Recommends: Top Resources For 2014
I want you to be as ready for 2014 as possible which is why I have put together a list of my top resources YOU NEED to get, to start 2014 off right! You probably see a lot of information and advice from other experts/gurus etc… out there in terms of getting girls… And sometimes [Continue Reading]
Understanding Women: Why Women Ask Men Questions and How To Answer Them Correctly
Why do women ask sooooo many damn questions?!!? – What do you do for a living? – What’s your family like? – Are you a good boy or a bad boy? – What do you think of X? – Why did your last relationship end? Annoying right? WRONG!!! Questions are actually a sign that the [Continue Reading]