I got an email recently from one of my email coaching group members that I wanted to share with you.
I want to know if you can spot what he did wrong in his communication to a woman he was seeing.
Don't worry if you don't see it because I've actually shown this email to about 10 other male experts and they couldn't see it either!!!!!
It's something only myself and others who have a set of ovaries can see 😉
I'm going to give you a little background on this guy so that you can get a full picture.
This guy is part of my email coaching program. From the first email he wrote me, I could tell this guy would be….. interesting.
Truth be told, my initial assessment of this guys was that he is a solid man with good intentions and a kind heart. BUT I noticed that his communication style was NOT female friendly.
BTW – Something that can easily be tweaked if a guy is open to it and can help him immensely with women.
Not female friendly meaning – His communication was a little to direct, and at times painfully honest.
Now I know you may think that these could be great things… and they can be…. when used correctly.
And by correctly, I mean when talking to other dudes NOT women.
We women need a bit more sensitivity added to our conversation.
No we're not complete babies that you need to P&SSY foot around. But we are polite, caring beings that don't look too kindly on direct honesty that does not take ones feelings into consideration.
Hence we tend to finesse a lot of our communication so that it's not as harsh and hurtful.
I call this honest with tact…. Although you may call it a waste of time 😉
Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. It's just what it is.
So back to this client of mine.
He wrote to me that he and this girl, who he had been communicating online with for 3 weeks, had finally met in person.
At the beginning of the date he said to her “It's probably best off for us to not talk politics” to which she insisted they talk politics. Classic female move right 😉
About half way through their conversation she got up from the table, paid for her meal and asked him to never talk to her again.
So what happened?
Why did this great connection built on 3 weeks of back and forth conversation end so abruptly?
I'll tell you…. BUT not just yet!
First, I'd love to hear if you can see what I saw and confirmed once I dug a little deeper with this client of mine.
Write your comments and thoughts in the comments section below and let me know what this guy did wrong!
Stay tuned for a follow up email where I reveal exactly what this guy did wrong and how he could have improved it to create connection and attraction 😉
In the mean time…
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This manual gives the full run down of ALL THE THINGS women say that confuses men, written in dictionary format and includes 3 Bonus MP3 Interviews with beautiful women revealing what the things they say to men really mean.