What Does Being a Nice Guy Actually Mean? Are you the nice guy? Do you constantly let her have her way? Do you go out of your way to please her? Does every relationship you have end with the F-Word – FRIENDS? “Nice Guy” is a Matter of Perspective, Yours and Hers His Definition: Nice [Continue Reading]
Take Advantage of Me??
How many times have you wished you could go back in time? Maybe you screwed up with a girl. Said the wrong thing. Everything is falling apart, and you wish you could just take it all back. How much would you pay to be able to send a single email to yourself in the past? [Continue Reading]
Guys Almost Never Do This (But Women LOVE it!)
“What would happen if he said THAT to you as he went in for the kiss?” I asked. “OMG… I would love that.” They said in rapid succession, bursting at the seams. I was sort of amazed at how much they were blushing and smiling, from ME (another girl!) saying these words to them. It’s [Continue Reading]
#1 Place To Meet Women: The Grocery Store
Want to know the #1 Place to meet women that, I guarantee, most men are tapping into?? It’s the grocery store!!!! I swear. My new Wing Girl, Alex, explains why. Read on…. The Untapped Dating Potential of a Grocery Store By: Wing Girl Alex Temblador (25) I have this fantasy… I want to be hit [Continue Reading]
What Women Are Looking For on a First Date
You go on a first date. Do everything right. You make her laugh. You touch her just the right way, and she seems to be touching back. The date ends and you are 100% sure that there will be a second date and that she felt the same connection you did. So you contact her [Continue Reading]
Weird “flip switch” in women’s brains that make them crave you [Part 3/3]
Over the past 2 days we’ve covered so many things: The difference between Mr. Creep and the type of guy who women find irresistible How to make your intentions known without being awkward and creepy How to set yourself apart from 99% of the guys out there How to smoothly build sexual tension to the [Continue Reading]