I wanted to share a recent email exchange I had with an email coaching client of mine. He has given me permission to share this exchange with you as he knows it will be a helpful lesson to you 🙂 I’m going to call this guy Bob and I’m going to show you an exchange [Continue Reading]
How To Ask A Woman Out On A Date – The Correct Way
Just a quickie cause it’s Friday. Wanted to show you this video clip from possibly the WORST movie ever made… BUT it’s a solid scene that gives examples of how to ask a woman out on a date. I agree with it and LOVE it. Watch and let me know what you think. Tell me [Continue Reading]
Are You A Nice Guy Or A Doormat?
One thing I see over and over again are guys who insist on being nice to women. They don’t want to be the bad boy/jerk/asshole that mistreats a girl or hurts her in any way. Which would be great, except they’re not really being nice at all! At least not according to a woman’s definition [Continue Reading]
How Women Define “A Man With Charisma” and Why It’s So Attractive
“The reason we’re successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course.” – Freddie Mercury, Queen. There’s nothing quite so universally attractive as a man with charisma. A man who can walk into a room and command attention by his sheer presence alone. As women we feel an automatic pull to men who exhibit this incredibly attractive [Continue Reading]
Why Being TOO Mysterious Turns Women Off
Thanks to certain pickup artists who shall remain unnamed (*cough cough*) a lot of men seem to have the idea that being a mystery is the way into a woman’s heart… or at the very least, her pants. However, we women won’t be giving you access to either if you apply this technique the way [Continue Reading]
5 Ways Guys Can Ruin the First Date (And how to save it!)
The other night, my girlfriend Sarah was over at my house, complaining about being single and telling me horrifying stories of just how awful her past few dates have been. “Marni, it’s honestly like men have forgotten how to be men. Either that or they just don’t think I’m good enough to treat well. I [Continue Reading]