Have you ever lost your erection while having sex with a woman? Don’t worry, I’m not about to start pushing Viagra on you. The reason I’m bringing up this topic is that I know losing an erection can be a sticky topic for you and for the woman you are sleeping with. It can be [Continue Reading]
How To Approach A Woman At A Party
Hope you had a great holiday weekend (if it was a holiday weekend for you). I just got back from freezing my butt off in Mammoth. I was there for a beautiful wedding, which is a GREAT place to meet women BTW. I got an awesome email this morning that I wanted to share with [Continue Reading]
What to do if the girl you like has a boyfriend
This is going to be a quick one because: 1. I’m about to get in my car and go on a 6 hour road trip for the holiday weekend (don’t rob my house please) 2. The response to this topic is simple and clear. Here are my thoughts on how to handle it when a [Continue Reading]
6 Secrets About Women That Most Men Dont Know – CNN Edition
The ultimate ‘wing girl,’ Marni is a dating and relationship expert to men worldwide. She interviewed over 6000 women and worked with hundreds of thousands of men to deliver them an real, blunt, NO BS female perspective so they can get what they want with women. Kinrys is the mind behind The Wing Girl Method and [Continue Reading]
Why Girls Pull Away From You and How To Keep Women Hooked On You
By far the most common questions I see among all my clients and readers are about how to get women to like them. And that makes sense. Obviously you have to get us interested in you in the first place before we’re going to date or have sex with you. But that’s only the first [Continue Reading]
3 Steps to Approaching A Group of Girls
I was at a restaurant type of lounge last night with a few of my girlfriends having dinner… And as usual I couldn’t help but watch some of the interactions going on between the men and women. There was this one group of maybe 5 very attractive girls that every group of guys had their [Continue Reading]