Men ask me all the time about what is sexy to a woman vs. creepy. They want to act sexy in order to attract a woman, but they don’t know how to do it without making her want to run in the other direction. I tell them that there are 3 key things they have [Continue Reading]
The Easiest Technique To Start Flirting With Women
There is one flirting technique that truly stands out from all the rest, because it accomplishes 3 things at once… 3 things that women need to feel in order to become attracted to you. I discovered how effective this technique is with women and I wanted to share it with you, because it is actually [Continue Reading]
The #1 Reason Guys Don’t Get Results With Women
Do you know what the most common thread is between the men I coach on attracting and dating women? They all say they’re too “blank” to get a girl. Too fat, too old, too poor, too WHATEVER for any of my proven techniques to work for them. Let me tell you why that is absolutely [Continue Reading]
The Simple Framework To Talk To Any Woman
Most guys think they can pursue women using only their intuition and by just “winging it”. This is where it all goes horribly wrong. There is an actual FORMULA to successfully attracting women. I’ve taught thousands of men these secrets so far, and now I’m going to share them with you… I have a [Continue Reading]
When You SHOULDN’T Ask Her Out
Timing is everything, guys… especially when asking out a woman. Let me tell you what “too soon” and “too late” REALLY means, and how you can successfully hit the sweet spot right in between… One of the biggest mistakes guys make with women is not asking us out when there’s an open window to do [Continue Reading]
What She Really Means When She Says THIS
Can You Take A Hint? If not, you need to learn. Women use a ton of subtext to communicate to a guy wether they’re into him or not. If you can learn the “secret” language of women, you can stop wasting your time trying to CONVINCE them to be attracted to you, and start utilizing [Continue Reading]