In order to attract a woman, you want to form an emotional connection with her. But you also want to make sure she knows you’re not a pushover. Striking this balance can get really tricky really fast: You don’t want to go overboard and offend her, but you also don’t want to just agree with [Continue Reading]
Can You Really Get Your Ex Back?
Going through a break-up is so tough. Especially when you still have feelings for that person, and maybe even want them back. Sometimes, there’s no chance of that happening. It ended for a reason and that will never change. But sometimes there is a chance. You just have to make a few things happen before [Continue Reading]
What To Do AFTER Those First 3 Dates
You may have noticed that a lot of my advice in these emails is focused around meeting women and creating attraction. And there’s a good reason for that. It’s the area where most men are struggling with women and dating. However, once you get this part down, there’s a next stage to master. And that’s [Continue Reading]
Oneitis 101: Here’s Everything You Need to Know
If you’ve ever had a oneitis, you know that it sucks. You agonize about whether she likes you or not, you think about her every day, and at the end of it all, she just isn’t that into you. Unfortunately, most guys don’t know what a oneitis even is, let alone how to overcome this [Continue Reading]
Don’t Ask Women THESE Questions
There is something I see men do all the time that totally kills their chances with women. It’s something that immediately takes their power away and makes them appear less desirable in her eyes… And it has to do with asking questions. Let me show you what I mean: Do you know what one of [Continue Reading]
The Right Way To Get Her Number
Are You Doing THIS Too Fast? If you want to go on more dates with women, then let me share a lesson with you from yesterday. I was out at the park with my friend and her dog. We noticed a couple of teenage boys who were ogling a girl sitting on a bench, reading. [Continue Reading]