Get in on the new training to be confident enough to handle encounters with new women you have just met. You get lots of tips on how to speak better to women. This ad leads you off page to a new site and a new program you can use to get training. Men can always [Continue Reading]
BIGGEST mistake you’re making (check this now)
Besides giving out tips on what women are looking for in a man, you also learn about a training program to help men become those men women want to be with. There is a link to an off page site that is set up to help you develop yourself in the right areas of life. [Continue Reading]
How To Meet 300 Women In 5 Hours
If you are man that is looking to meet a lot of women all takes is 10 minutes a day to get into the groove. You will be able to meet around 300 women and it will not take much of your time. You will learn how to make women come to you. Whenever a [Continue Reading]
Being Nice Vs Being Weak. How To Attract Women By Being Nice
Women really do like nice guys. They do not want someone that may be fake and someone that will agree with everything they say. A man needs to be confident and help a woman while showing off his true personality. He can be nice and strong at the same time. “Marni, can I still date [Continue Reading]
How Attraction Is Different For Women. Are You Making This Mistake With Women?
Attraction is different for women then it is for men. Men look at the physical aspects and women want something more. Women are more fluid and they want do not need a man. Sometimes they may want to take a break and women are going to need some space. You may know by now that [Continue Reading]
Sent To Prison For Touching A Girl? Arrested For Approaching A Girl?
Some men are afraid to touch women. There have been news stories of men getting arrested. A man does not need to have social anxiety. He needs to learn how to respect the boundaries of women and pick up on cues if she wants to be touched by a guy. One of the biggest fears [Continue Reading]