5 Traits Get Women To Approach You In this article, I’ll share with you the top 5 simple things men who are successful with women do to be approachable. Once you hear how easy these things are to do, you are going to start doing them yourself. When you start applying what I show you, [Continue Reading]
How To Build Sexual Tension With Women Using “Tension Loops”
How To Build Sexual Tension Would you like to know how to build sexual tension in conversation with women? First, you’ll have to learn to frame your conversations so that women remain interested and engaged in what you have to say. Next, this frame will teach you how to spark desire in women and hang [Continue Reading]
How To Tell An Engaging Story | 5 Topics That Build Attraction With Women
How to tell an engaging story The other day I had this wonderful guest on my podcast, The Ask Women Podcast. He shared with me an important lesson for men on how to tell an engaging story that sparks attraction. Myke helps STEM professionals improve their social confidence so they can have great connections both [Continue Reading]
Dating Advice For Men From Women: Alpha Male vs Beta Male Strategies
Were any of these beliefs shoved down your throat: You are beta male if you show emotion. Nice guys finish last. Women are only attracted to Alpha males. If so, then I have a big announcement to make to men from millions of women…. These things are 100% not true in 2020. In fact… YOU [Continue Reading]
Sexual Satisfaction EVERY Time
How To Give Women Sexual Satisfaction Every Time Do you know what all women need to reach sexual satisfaction? As you know women are very different from men. Before we choose to open our bottom parts up to you, you first need open our minds. And once you do the sexual flood gates will flow. [Continue Reading]
How To “TEST” Women Using HOOP THEORY & Why Women Test Men
Have you ever heard of something called Hoop Theory? I actually just heard of it the other day from a guest on my podcast. The Ask Women podcast. From my understanding Hoop Theory is when a man first meets a woman, she tries to get him to jump through hoops to showcase his value AND [Continue Reading]