Are you secretly killing your chances and doing these turn offs for women but just don’t know it? Most men are the majority of guys that do certain things that push women away without them even knowing it. These turn offs for women might be the reason why you’re single. Which sucks. These subtle behaviors [Continue Reading]
How To Make A Woman Laugh? Use These 5 Killing Jokes
5 Jokes That Kill With The Ladies In Any Situation And Turn Women On BIG TIME I will tell you exactly how to make a woman laugh. Everyone knows that women find a sense of humor attractive. There are so many different types of men that women like. But there’s one type which stands head [Continue Reading]
Why Women Come Back After Rejecting You
We’ll talk about why women come back after rejecting you, ghosting you or even breaking up with you. I get asked about this so often… “Marni, this girl I was dating broke up with me, but now she wants to get back together…” Or… “Marni, this woman I liked rejected me a couple of months back, [Continue Reading]
How To Turn Her On With Touch | Touch Her Like This To Drive Her Wild!
Fingering Techniques For Men Who Want To Please Their Women Want to learn how to turn her on with touch? We’re going to talk about fingering tips, which happens to be one of my favorite topics. Honestly, fingers are favorite for so many women. Yet, many guys fly right by this easy way to turn [Continue Reading]
What Makes A Man Unattractive? 5 Things Attractive Men Never Do
5 Things Confident Men Never Do What makes a man unattractive? Well, if you find that you do any of these five things, you must stop as fast as possible, or else it’ll ruin your chances with women and make your life miserable in general. They don’t anticipate negative treatment. Confident men do not go [Continue Reading]
How To Know If You Are In Love? 10 Great Signs You’re Actually In Love
So you’ve dated your fair share of women and have always enjoyed keeping your options open. But lately, there’s this woman that seems a little bit different. You look at other women less and choose to spend time with her over your friends. This may have you thinking some big questions yourself. Maybe ones that [Continue Reading]